These are the new crown rules


Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) believes that Norwegian municipalities now have better control over testing and tracking infections and ease more national coronary restrictions.

As of October 12, the government will open for the following:

  • A step-by-step reopening of grassroots sports for adults.
  • The national bar stop rises at midnight.
  • Up to 600 people can be present at the same time at outdoor events, divided into groups of up to 200 people.
  • A seat between people will suffice in events with fixed seats.

– We began a careful reopening of grassroots sports for adults. The national bar stop ends at midnight, says Erna Solberg at a press conference on Wednesday.

The government allows up to 600 people to be present at the same time at outdoor events, divided into groups of up to 200 people.

– Now we are in a different situation than when we closed in March. Municipalities have improved their preparedness and we have more knowledge about the corona pandemic. This means that we can better target measures so that the burden on the individual and society is as small as possible. So we can open ourselves up to some relief at the national level, says Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

OSLO: The Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie, on the situation of the crown in the capital. Video: Ministry of Health. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB
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National relief

National reliefs apply from October 12 if the infection situation does not worsen, the government says.

The relay consists of the opening to phase 1 of training in adult grassroots sports. The national bar stop will be lifted at midnight, starting at midnight on Tuesday, October 13.

A seat between people will suffice in events with fixed seats. In the period until October 12, municipalities must prepare and assess whether it is necessary to take local infection control measures.

– This is good news for football fans. There will be a few more in the stadiums in the future, says the Prime Minister.

I have no idea what Raymond was going to say

I have no idea what Raymond was going to say

– I am glad that we have reached the point where we can set a date for several of the relays that we have already announced. This means that as of October 12 we will be able to open to train in parts of grassroots sports, which the sport itself has defined as phase 1, then the government will consider opening phase 2 until November, says the Minister of Culture and Equality of Genus Abid Q. Raja.

He emphasizes that for indoor events, there is still a limit of 200 people in the audience, which imposes restrictions on the cultural sector.

– We must return to other phases. Also, I’m glad that we can go from two to an available seat between us in places with fixed seats, it’s important to many. Also, as soon as the contagion situation requires it, we will make a new assessment of the possibility of opening for events with up to 600 people present, also indoors, says Raja.

Raymond's last sting

Raymond’s last sting

Training in grassroots sports

Starting October 12, it will be open to normal training in parts of the base sport for adults 20 and older. In municipalities and regions with increased infection or local outbreaks, opening should be considered and followed by local measures.

Starting on October 12, it will also be open for outdoor events with up to 600 people present at the same time, divided into groups of up to 200 people.

– The government, as soon as the contagion situation requires it, will make a new evaluation of the possibility of opening it indoors, says the government.

Municipalities have until October 12 to prepare and assess the situation at the local level. In municipalities with increased infection and local outbreaks, it may be considered whether the reopening of grassroots sports and adult contact training should be postponed until the infection is under control.

– Municipalities should keep track of local outbreaks so that they do not turn into regional and national outbreaks, Health Minister Bent Høie (H) said during Wednesday’s press

CROWN: Health director Bjørn Guldvog warns in this interview against possible double infections, something for which he has been heavily criticized. Reporter: Frode Andresen. Video: Embla Hjort-Larsen / Dagbladet TV
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Fixed seats

As of October 12, it will also be sufficient that those who sit in fixed seats have a free seat between them in the same row of seats. Today, at least one meter from shoulder to shoulder must be maintained, which in practice requires two seats.

– People in the same household should be able to sit together. It is not possible for people to sit in more than half of the fixed seats, unless one meter of distance can be maintained between the rows of seats, thus ensuring one meter of distance between people who are not from the same household.

You can participate in the World Cup

The government allows foreign athletes to come to Norway to participate in the World Cup on skis and international handball matches.

Therefore, the European Handball Championship matches in Trondheim in December are likely to be played normally, but without an audience, NTB writes.

The World Cup can also be organized in the Nordic disciplines (cross-country skiing, jumping, combined) in Lillehammer with full international participation.

Exceptions to the Norwegian Health Directorate’s entry recommendations for handball European Cup matches will also be granted, Culture Minister Abid Raja (V) announced at a press conference on Wednesday.

Parameter arrangement

The government also clarifies the subway rule for restaurants and events.

– Venues and the organizer must ensure that there is a meter between seats or a seat available between fixed seats when guests and public reserve and arrive. A person in the same household can, of course, sit next to each other if they wish when they arrive at the venue / event, the government writes.

INFECT: At today’s press conference, Health Minister Bent Høie emphasized that Oslo is at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus.
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– It is not a launch

– This is not a statement, but a new phase in our strategy to maintain control, emphasized the Prime Minister at the press conference.

Solberg also asked people who experience stricter local infection control measures than national ones to be motivated by the fact that restrictions are now being relaxed.

– For those of you who live in areas with higher contagion, and who have yet to wait for the relief that we will make towards the end of next week, I hope this is an extra motivation to join the infection control measures that have been implemented by the local authorities said. Solberg.

He called on Norwegians tired of measures in areas with an increase in infections to follow infection control advice.

– So that we reduce the infection and thus we can facilitate the measures, even where you live, said according to NTB.
