Hysteria takes hold of the hand


28 games have been played in the Premier League season and 20 penalty kicks have been awarded so far, six of them by hand.

If you look at the numbers from previous seasons, this is a huge number after just 28 games.

Number of penalty kicks awarded as a result of the hands

2015/2016: 91 penalty shots in 380 games. Nine of them as a result of hands.

2016/2017: 106 penalty kicks in 380 games. 18 of them as a result of hands.

2017/2018: 80 penalty shots in 380 games. six of them as a result of hands.

2018/2019: 103 penalty shots in 380 games. 14 of them as a result of hands.

2019/2020: 92 penalty shots in 380 games. 19 of them as a result of hands.

Figures in the data box show that in 380 games in the 2017/2018 season, as many penalties were awarded as a result of hands as have been awarded in the first 28 games this season.

Now the Premier League announces changes.

During a meeting on Tuesday, it was decided that Premier League referees will be softer in interpreting the manual rule. Atlético writes that it has received information about the match.

Various controversial incidents

Last weekend there were several controversial episodes of hands off in the Premier League. There was a great controversy after Tottenham’s penalty in extra time against Newcastle. Something that Newcastle manager Steve Bruce did not hide after the game.

– I can understand why the Spurs want to go crazy and that Roy Hodgson reacted the way he did. That’s silly. We should have been in the clouds by now, but it would have crushed me if it had been us. The decisions are devastating. We managers must come together and say this must end, Bruce said after his team escaped a loss to Sky Sports.

According to The Athletic, the Premier League will be unhappy with the controversial penalties that have been distributed. The Premier League does not have a mandate to change regulations, but can ask referees to be softer in their interpretation.

Guardiola declared to TV 2: – They should reconsider the rule of the hand

Examples must have been presented to the judges of what is allowed and what must still be punishable. The hand-held situation in which Victor Lindelöf incurred a penalty against Crystal Palace will not be punishable in the future.

This coming weekend, the judges will practice this. As there are no changes to the law, there was no need to vote for the clubs, but Premier League coach Richard Garlick must have received the support of all the clubs.

Tempted against the penalty that gave his own team an undeserved point: – This must end
