50-year-old man found dead – investigated as murder – VG


SARPSBORG (VG) Sarpsborg police launched a murder investigation after a man in his 50s was found dead in an apartment in the city center on Wednesday.

When the police arrived at the apartment, it was clear to the police that the lifeless person had been dead for some time.

– The circumstances surrounding the death were unclear, but after a preliminary forensic examination, the police have opened a murder investigation, reports police attorney Anders Svarholt in the Eastern Police District.

The preliminary forensic examination shows that the deceased has injuries consistent with homicide.

Svarholt tells VG that the police cannot say why they chose to open a murder investigation.

– The case has been investigated since September 23. We have formed an image of the deceased and the environment around him. Based on that, it is important to say that no one should feel unsafe in Sarpsborg, he tells VG.

The police were notified by a person who is related to the deceased and who had difficulties to contact.

Do you have a suspect in the case?

– No, for now we have no suspects.

Svarholt says police currently do not need advice from the public in the case, but this may change.

– We are working on a timeline and when it is ready we may need suggestions.

VG has spoken with a neighbor of the deceased. She says that most of the old people live in the house, and that it is quiet and calm there as usual.

– I saw a hearse on Wednesday, I didn’t know it was at our house. My mother thought it smelled strange when she was visiting, she tells VG.

There are about 30 apartments in the apartment complex.

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