– Totally incomprehensible – VG


(Molde-Ferencvaros 3–3) Two-handed situations. Molde was not punished. The other punished Ferencvaros. Now the discussion is raging.

– For me, the judge totally fails, says former superior judge Per Ivar Staberg to VG.

He believes that the outcome of the situations should have been the exact opposite of what the outcome was. Molde should have received a penalty kick, while Ferencvaros should not have received. What is “completely wrong”, according to Staberg, is the interaction between the judge and the VAR chamber.

Will change the rules

Judge Carlos Del Cerro Grande chose to rewatch Molde’s situation on video, while he did not do so in situation number two when the Hungarian guests were sanctioned.

– It is incomprehensible that it does not do it in a situation that, at best, is much more dubious than the first, says Staberg.

Staberg is aware that hands-on rule “only leads to chaos,” and now wants the rules to come to life.

– I prefer that it is done on purpose to be able to sentence, suggests.

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– I have no idea, Molde’s coach Erling Moe answers V4 reporter Jan Åge Fjørtoft’s questions about the rules of the game.

– There are so many oddities. When you ask the umpires, they’ve been honest enough that they don’t know themselves, says coach del Molde.

At 2-2, the home team wanted hands after a Leke James shot went straight into the hand of a Ferencvaros player. The situation was verified on video by judge Carlos Del Cerro Grande, with unfortunate results seen with Molde lenses.

– By today’s rules, they should have been hands, as long as he grows up, says Staberg, who thinks the judge hoped he had seen well, and was too proud to say “I was wrong.”

Then, in the 3-2 position against Molde, a quite similar situation arrived. This time Ola Brynhildsen was hit in the arm at point-blank range. Result: Penalty and 3–3. The judge chose not to look at the situation again, even though he may have been in contact with the VAR chamber.

– I’d rather not be a penalty. The question is whether he hits the hand that is slapped behind him afterwards, or if he hits the hand that is next to the body and therefore not the hands.

– It’s not the hands. How do you get them to be hands when the hand is here? It is completely amazing. When they even have VAR then you have to have rules that they understand. Because I don’t, says Moe.

FRUSTRATED AFTER THE MATCH: Molde players Fredrik Aursnes, Eirik Hestad and Martin Ellingsen flocked to Spanish party leader Carlos Del Cerro Grande after the deal. Erling Moe (right) didn’t understand much of the rules of the hand. Photo: Svein Ove Ekornesvåg

V4 expert Rune Bratseth believes it would have been best if neither team had received a penalty.

– The first is also shot, and definitely the second (Brynhildsen). Let them both go, says Bratseth.

On social media, of course, the practical discussion rages:

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