Arina (15) threatened with death: – Be afraid


There were things like “they don’t want you in this country”, “you have nothing to do here”, “she has to finish”.

Arina Aamir (15) wrote the article «How to fight SIAN?“, And entered a subsequent television debate against SIAN leader Lars Thorsen.

In retrospect, Aamir claims to have received a series of hate speech and threats, and has reported the case to the police. Aamir is an active participant in the Young Conservatives.

– It was just very scary. When I was 15, I didn’t think I would be threatened with death because I spoke at a debate, adds Aamir.

He was present when the government today presented its new action plan against discrimination and hatred of Muslims.

– Were you scared? Were they scared?

– Yes, very scared. I hope the government takes the challenges seriously, says Arina Aamir.

MOT MUSLIMHAT: The Minister for Culture and Gender Equality, Abid Raja, made it clear who they want to help with their new action plan. Video: Embla Augusta Hjort-Larsen
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– Pakkis sticks where you come from

Culture Minister Abid Raja (V) says he sees a disturbing trend in Norwegian society, where pressure on Muslims is increasing.

– About one in three Muslims feel they are not included, or feel that they are not a desired part of Norway, Raja tells Dagbladet.

– Have you experienced this in your body?

– We grew up in a different time. Of course, there was also racism in the 80s, and on the walls you could see “Muslims go home” or “Pakis stick where you come from.” But now the rise of social media has made it impossible to hide anymore. The hatred becomes so strong, and that is why we in government take seriously that this hatred is destructive to everyone, says Raja.

I received hate mail at home: - I am not immune

I got hate mail at home: – I’m not immune

18 measures against Muslim hatred

He was very satisfied with the action plan, which has four special areas of focus:

  • Places of dialogue and meeting
  • Protection and security
  • Knowledge and competence about discrimination and hatred against Muslims.
  • Efforts against hatred and discrimination outside Norway

The plan also contains 18 concrete measures, including the establishment of a new subsidy scheme against racism, discrimination and hate speech. Furthermore, hate crimes against Muslims must be registered as a hate motive in the police criminal case register.

NEW PLANS: Erna Solberg presented how the government should combat discrimination and hatred against Muslims. Video: Steinar Suvatne and Embla Augusta Hjort-Larsen
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Erna: – Many prejudices.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) is clear that there are many prejudices against Muslims that need to be addressed.

– I think the challenges are when prejudices are spread that have no basis in real things, conspiracies that Muslims will take over the world and things like that. At the same time, we do not ban statements that we do not like in Norway, but we must face them with a debate and show that the content is not correct. Then we will be stronger as a society, says the Prime Minister to Dagbladet.

Raja calls Siv Jensen childish

Raja calls Siv Jensen childish

– There is no guarantee that criticism of religion cannot be offensive, many Christians have experienced this over time. It is important that we do not use the room to discuss hate speech to restrict freedom of expression, he adds.

– FRP sat in your government and talked about stealth Islamization?

– I have always said that stealth Islamization does not exist and I have totally disagreed with it. But the most dangerous thing we can do is stop any political debate that can be perceived as offensive, we must endure being offended in our society, Solberg responds.

– You did not agree, you say, but allowed the FRP to sit in your government. Can you understand that some felt it was difficult to be Muslim in Norway then?

– I experience that the FRP has been concerned about being strict with immigration policy, but at the same time very concerned about a good integration policy.
