– You have achieved a lot – VG


VOTER: Scott Will is still registered as a Democratic voter, but he no longer believes he will vote for his presidential candidates. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

LIGONIER, PENNSYLVANIA (VG) In 2016, Scott Will (51) voted for Hillary Clinton. As a trade unionist, the Democrats have always been his party. But this year, the vote is for Donald Trump.

In a rural setting west of the rocky state of Pennsylvania, it is Trump posters that dominate the garden spots of villagers on their way to the small town of Ligonier. The occasional scattered Biden sign is exceptionally visible.

Normally Scott Will’s garden, a few miles from the small town center, would be an exception. This is not the case this year.

This year, it says “Trump 2020” on the sign in front of the house, which in addition to the 51-year-old also houses his girlfriend, an angry little dog, a cat and Scott’s twins every two weeks.

– I have always voted for the Democratic presidential candidates. As a trade unionist, it has happened almost automatically. I have always assumed that it has been the best for people like me. I didn’t really like Hillary Clinton, but she was his candidate, so I automatically voted for her. Also, I think your husband did a good job when she was president. At that time we had money, says the operator of the machine, who works for the Ministry of Transport.

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SUPPORT: Several supporters had gathered along the road last week in connection with Donald Trump’s visit to Pennsylvania. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

The father thinks he’s crazy

Will meets VG on the balcony wearing a Trump cap with the text “Trump 2020 – No Bullshit.” In recent years, he thinks he has seen through that the Democrats are fooling around. He believes that they are not doing anything that serves workers like him.

– After a few months with Donald Trump as president, I regretted having voted for Hillary. I wasn’t really a Trump fan in 2016, but I think she’s accomplished a lot. Before the corona virus hit, the economy went straight up. I think you can do it again. That is why I am going to vote for him.

VG explains, therefore, there is noise about postal votes:

Per Olav Ødegaard from VG comments: “What if Trump loses?”

Scott Will says that both his grandfather and father were trade unionists, who always voted Democrats. Almost got it with breast milk which was as it should be.

– Dad thinks I’m crazy if he wants to vote for Trump. He remains an uncompromising Democrat. But what will Joe Biden accomplish as president that he hasn’t accomplished in 47 years in politics? he asks rhetorically, adding that he thinks Democrats have gone too far to the left in politics.

He fears that Biden will tax workers like him too much. That Biden himself says that he only plans to increase taxes for those who earn the most, he does not trust.

– If you work hard, you have to take advantage of it. I don’t want to work hard just to see someone else get away with my money, Will says.

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Don’t trust the media

The 51-year-old says he has almost stopped following the news. Be it television channels or newspapers. He no longer trusts the media, which he believes take Trump’s saying out of context.

– They’re looking for him, Will thinks.

TRUMP SIGN: Scott Will shows neighbors and passersby who he hopes will win the November 3 election. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Instead, you get your information through what your friends share on Facebook. He also repeatedly mentions Dan Bongino, who, among other things, runs a very conservative podcast and website, and is often used as a political commentator on Fox News, as a news source.

– He’s a guy who says it like it is. I like that.

Bongino has faced several conspiracy theories. Among other things, that the Obama administration carried out illegal espionage during the Trump campaign in 2016.

One of the things that Will has heard from Bongino, and that he supports, is that the crown pandemic is greatly exaggerated.

– For example, I do not know anyone in the city here, or in the neighboring city for the part that is infected. But I think Democrats see that they can benefit from the fact that people fear the virus and that the economy is falling now.

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Believe in a clear victory

For the president, a defector from the Democrats is worth gold. In tipped states, every vote can be decisive. Trump won with just 44,000 votes out of a total of more than 6 million in Pennsylvania four years ago. This year, he is, so far, behind Joe Biden in the polls.

Despite Biden’s electoral leadership, Will is convinced that the president will be reelected.

– Yes, I think he clearly wins. I drive around the district a lot here at my job. Sometimes maybe three hours each way. Everywhere I look I see Trump posters, but hardly any Biden posters.

He says that several of those he knows of the union in recent years have gone from Democrats to Republicans. If Will, and others like him, do return, he says the party must take a radical turn from what he believes is the course they are on now.

– Now it seems as if they are trying to take people’s hats off to socialism. They no longer have their finger on people’s pulse.

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