Climate Activists Block Entrance to Oil Ministry – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local News, TV and Radio


– I would like to show human vulnerability being naked. We are vulnerable to the climate crisis we are facing, says Sara Van der Moer (31) who got dirty with the black oil-like liquid.

There were a handful of people who had sat in front of the main door of the Ministry of Oil and Energy on Monday. The activists protested against the government’s oil policy.

According to the climate activist, signature campaigns don’t work. Therefore, she was willing to use a more powerful symbol, her own body, to draw attention to the climate crisis.

– I hope people become more aware of what happens when we do something like this, says Van der Moer.

In one of the windows of the Ministry of Oil and Energy, activists have sprayed four more degrees with an exclamation point behind them. In addition, they carried a banner with the inscription: “Let the oil rest.”

– We need a green restart now, the environmental activists of the Extinction Rebellion group shouted.

Climate demonstration in front of the Ministry of Oil

The ministry called the police, who arrested the activists. No one actively resisted when they were arrested.

Photo: Milana Knezevic / NRK

Expect more arrests

Shortly after, the police appeared, after being summoned by the Ministry of Oil and Energy.

When the activists did not move, they were taken away by the police. No one actively resisted when they were arrested.

– They have marked in a calm and peaceful way, says Task Chief Magnus Strande in the police.

A total of 40 people were arrested in three different demonstrations on Monday. The police are ready for more action today.

– Yes, we are. So far we have arrested 40. There will probably be more, says Strande.

According to Strande, the protesters are being led to arrest and can expect a fine.

Glued to ministry

On Monday morning, the police fired several climate activists after they blocked a busy street in central Oslo.

Around 80 climate activists blocked traffic at the intersection between Karl Johan and Fredriks Gate next to the Palace. This is one of the main entrances to Oslo.

A little later, the activists acted outside the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. There, some of them stuck to the building disguised as fish.

Action outside the Ministry of Commerce and Industry

The activists had disguised themselves as fishermen when they stood in front of the Ministry of Commerce and Fisheries. Several taped to the wall of the ministry.

Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

– They demand that the authorities recognize global warming and the destruction of the biosphere, says operations manager Vidar Pedersen.

He says the activists are in no way aggressive towards the police or other people at the scene.

– They are only here to be heavy and difficult to remove.

The activists had chained themselves to heavy iron pipes. They had banners that read, among other things: “Sorry for the inconvenience, but we are trying to save the world.”

Pampered mobs

– These are things we know about groups from other countries. Now they are going to ruin the ordinary people of Oslo. It is the bratty mobs, the professional protesters who are destroying the climate problem. This is what Stefan Heggelund, Parliamentary representative of the Conservative Party, says.

Stefan Heggelund is a Parliamentary representative of the Conservative Party

Storting’s representative from the Conservative Party, Stefan Heggelund, calls climate activists “spoiled mobs.”

Photograph: Hallvard Norum / NRK

– He has no sympathy for the weather issue with this, and it’s important that we have it. They could see how the youngsters hitting the weather are doing and learn something about how they can do it right.

Heggelund says that if people block traffic for ordinary people, they get angry. It can also make people lose sympathy for the weather problem.

Anders Fougner at Extinction Rebellion says he thinks the comment that the activists are spoiled mobs is strange.

– That people dedicate their own time and are willing to pay 12,000 crowns out of their own pockets to mark such an important issue shows that we are not spoiled.

– You must stop the oil industry now

– We have a clear message for politicians. It’s enough. You have to stop the oil industry. We will bother until they have stopped the oil industry. We want a future and it is your responsibility to give it to us. That’s what one of the protesters, Dag Kolstø, says.

Dag Kolstø of Extinction Rebellion says action is necessary to get the message across

Activist Dag Kolstø at Extinction Rebellion says action is necessary and hopes people understand why they are doing it.

Photo: Ali Iqbal / NRK

He understands that the demonstration is inconvenient for people’s daily lives and for the police.

– But we can not continue everyday life as usual. We must take care of life, the life of our children. When people see us sitting here blocking the road on Ring 1, they realize that something is seriously wrong. My hope is that they understand that this has to do with oil, says Kolstø.

He says they have tried other forms of action, but the message is impossible to get across.

The group plans various actions during the day.
