The Powerful Woman – VG


The powerful woman

SOLITARY MAJESTY: United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died Saturday morning at the age of 87. Photo: Mario Anzuoni / X90045

The Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, carried a whole world on her shoulders. Until the last breath. I should have let it go.

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It is with great reverence and deep gratitude that women remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The woman who was always on the right side of history. Her life and work are incomparable. Her contribution to American democracy and the struggle of women is almost indescribable.

She was an American, but her struggle has resonated everywhere the patriarchy exists. Even when one is in the illusion that complete equality has been achieved.

Ginsburg has shown what a single brilliant woman can accomplish. In her tireless fight against male-dominated structures, she fought for her generation, mine, and future generations of women. She and her life carried a clear message: Don’t let assholes stop you. Give the gang gas, run over!

Ginsburg never gave up. For me, and for women like me, it is her most important legacy.

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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (87) is dead

The young woman changed the United States, long before she was one of nine Supreme Court justices appointed by Bill Clinton in 1993. She received 96 votes to three in the Senate.

The notorious RBG, as it is popularly called, was characterized by gender discrimination to which she was subjected as a youngster. It was raw and brutal at Harvard Law School, where the mother of a young boy accompanied her male companions a long way. She graduated with the best grades. However, for years no one wanted to hire her as a lawyer. Therefore, she made her life’s work to fight for equality and women’s rights. In the period from 1973 to 1976, she fought six women’s rights cases in the Supreme Court and won five of them.

Ginsburg had an ingenious strategy in the prevailing conditions: He showed how discriminatory gender laws affected everyone, including men. Like when she fought for bachelor Charles Moritz’s right to receive a tax deduction as her mother’s caregiver. A right that until 1970 was reserved for women. It was the first federal lawsuit to declare gender discrimination unconstitutional.

In 1971, she fought for the right of women to manage property as relatives. This was the first time that gender discrimination was upheld at the Supreme Court level. In 1975 he won by demanding that widows also have the right to social security in line with widows.

The underlying goal of Ginsburg and her team of female conspirators was that everyone should be equal before the law. Regardless of gender, ethnicity and orientation. Until his entry, power structures were characterized by sexist stereotypes and traditional gender roles: the system that considered the American man as the lord and breadwinner of the family, and women as fragile parsley leaves that had to be protected within of the four walls of the house.

At one point, he summed up his life’s work through a quote from Sarah Grimké: I don’t want benefits because of my gender. I am only asking our brothers to lift their feet from our necks.

That foot rested on his neck until the last moment.

The Jewish woman who had no wild employees ended up being the decisive Supreme Court judge who until Saturday morning has remained the only obstacle between women’s continued right to abortion and a possible lapse of it.

But not only that.

His replacement, a likely conservative judge chosen by Trump, could be the sixth vote in the US Supreme Court that could be in favor of repealing laws that protect ethnic and religious minorities and LGBT people from discrimination and The discrimination. Because of its location, Ginsburg has nothing less than guaranteed basic rights and opportunities for women, the dark-skinned, the disabled, LGBT people, indigenous peoples, the elderly and war veterans.

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Death of Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg: – May result in changes to abortion law

Ginsburg’s dying wish is to postpone the election of a new Supreme Court justice until after the November presidential election. He knew what was at stake. She has always known what was at stake. It must have been a heavy load to carry. Be the unique. Represent. In a sea of ​​homogeneity. That should not be the case. A human being, imposed an inhumanly great responsibility.

There are those who laugh at concepts like diversity. Also here at home. They do not understand that we are not begging, but that equal competition must provide equal access. Institutions and companies must invest in the development of women, people with ethnic minority backgrounds, the disabled and sexual minorities. It is beneficial for everyone. Ginsburg has shown us.

Now his exceptional life should have been celebrated. Instead, there is panic in the United States. There is talk that death will be followed by a revolution. The revolution must be diversity in positions of power. So that no Ginsburg has to face power alone. Thanks for everything RGB. Took one for the team.

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