Breivik wants to get out of jail – VG


REQUESTS RELEASE: Terrorist Anders Behring Breivik during the appeal case against the state in 2017. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix

Anders Behring Breivik now wants to be paroled. He is also planning a new lawsuit against the state for violating his human rights.

The defender of the mass murderer, lawyer Øystein Storrvik, informs VG.

– On your behalf, I have submitted a request for parole, says Storrvik to VG.

– You have the right to judicial review of probation for a minimum period of ten years in your case. This is a right that all detainees have and that he wants to use, says Storrvik.

The lawyer claims that the mass murderer signed the petition under the names of Anders Behring Breivik and Fjotolf Hansen.

– There will be a court hearing if you are to be paroled. The legal question is whether the conditions have been met for him to remain in custody, says Storrvik.

In 2012, Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison for killing 77 people, following the terrorist attacks in the government quarter and the AUF summer camp in Utøya on July 22, 2011.

– He wants this now. He has been in solitary confinement for more than eight years after the trial ended, Storrvik says.

In the summer of 2015, Breivik sued the state for human rights violations. It was partially confirmed in the Oslo District Court, but the Borgarting Court of Appeal acquitted the state and ruled that the surrounding prison regime did not violate human rights.

The Supreme Court rejected Breivik’s appeal and the Strasbourg Human Rights Court dismissed the appeal.

Storrvik also warns that they will sue the state again.

– We plan to follow up the petition with a new lawsuit on the durability of such a prolonged isolation under the European Convention on Human Rights. It has been so long since the issue was raised, says the lawyer.

Storrvik claims he has regular contact with the mass murderer in prison.

– His prison conditions have not improved significantly since the courts last dealt with this, says Storrvik, adding:

– So-called compensatory measures are not enough to be able to make such a long isolation legally sustainable, says Storrvik.

This is expected to be filed in a separate civil lawsuit against the state, according to the attorney.

Support Group Leader Lisbeth Kristine Røyneland on July 22 says they do not want to comment on the case.

The AUF doesn’t want to say anything about the case either, says political adviser Eirin Kristin Kjær.

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