– They survived the worst – VG


The person who shot two police officers while sitting in a parked cruiser on Saturday remains at large.

The two officers were shot multiple times while sitting in their own patrol car at a subway station in Compton, Los Angeles, at 7 p.m. Saturday night, in what police call an ambush.

In a video released by the police, the shooter can be seen walking to the passenger side of the car, where he fires several shots at the two officers. Then he runs out of the place.

The two agents, a 24-year-old man and a 31-year-old woman, managed to call for help through the police radio. They were taken to the hospital, where they were both operated, writes the New York Times.

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On Sunday, County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said the two police officers appear to be fine, writes CNN.

– God bless them, it seems they will manage. We don’t know how they will be affected in the long term, but they survived the worst.

– This is a sad reminder that work is dangerous and that actions and words have consequences. Our job is not made easier by the fact that people don’t like police officers. Seeing someone just walk up to them and start shooting at them makes me furious. It scares me too, he said during a press conference after the Saturday night shooting.

SHERIFF: Alex Villanueva updates the press on Saturday night’s shooting. Photo: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

Promise reward

So far, no one has been arrested for the shooting and police have promised a $ 100,000 reward for information that may lead to the suspect being found. He is described as a black man in dark clothes.

The sheriff’s office writes on Twitter that names and photos of what is said to be a possible suspect are circulating on social media.

– This information is not correct, and there are no suspects named or wanted at this time, write more.

US President Donald Trump has requested that the unknown shooter be sentenced to death, while his opponent Joe Biden has called the shooting unacceptable.

According to Los Angeles Times The shootings have become a hot topic in the ongoing debate about police violence and racism in the area, although it is unclear if they were motivated by the Black Lives Matter protests.

Just hours after the incident, a group of protesters gathered outside the hospital where the two officers were being treated, to demonstrate against the police. A reporter at the scene was arrested.

The atmosphere was aggressive and, according to the Police, some of the protesters shouted “we hope they die”, in addition to blocking the emergency exits of the hospital.

Fears of escalating the situation.

Erin Kerrison, a professor of social welfare at Berkeley, told the newspaper that she feared the shooting of the two officers would give police a “green light” to use more deadly force to protect themselves.

– I imagine some real tensions between the policemen on the ground and the people who question the work they do, says the teacher, who has the thoughts of police students about their own work and the thoughts of society about them.

Chuck Wexler, who heads the Police Executive Investigation Forum, told the Los Angeles Times that anger at police in protests in recent months has been fiercer than in previous years, and that police are concerned that this lead to more violence against serving police officers.

– This incident did not create this fear, but it will exacerbate it, he says.

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