Believes Trump should resign after audio recording – VG


LOST MOTHER: Keith H. Burgess lost his mother in April after testing positive for COVID-19. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

PENNSYLVANIA (VG) The book’s revelation that Donald Trump knew how dangerous the corona virus was makes Keith H. Burgess, who lost his mother in April, furious.

– The one who has chosen to ignore his responsibility when it comes to the coronavirus, is typically Donald J. Trump. It does nothing, it represents nothing, says Keith H. Burgess (53) to VG.

On Wednesday, CNN published audio images of President Donald Trump in connection with journalist-nestor Bob Woodward’s upcoming book in the Washington Post.

Read also: Book bomb: Trump said he knew how deadly the coronavirus was

“You just breathe air and that’s how it spreads. It’s deadlier than a serious flu. These are fatal cases,” Trump said in a phone conversation with Woodward. From the rostrum, at the same time he downplayed the coronavirus against the American people.

– 190,000 people have lost their lives as a result of his weak leadership during this pandemic, Burgess believes.

Blaming Trump for his mother’s death

Burgess believes the United States would have had far fewer deaths if Trump had listened to the experts around him.

– I think Trump is responsible for the death of my mother and the other 190,000 deaths. As soon as you found out about the virus, you should have let the experts handle the virus as it should have been handled.

Background: This is the infection control expert speaking out against Trump

His mother Dalma Dalma Holloway Torres of New York died at the age of 73 on April 21, after being hospitalized and connected to a ventilator.

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– My mother became one of the 190,000 people who have lost their lives so far, and the sad thing is that my mother should not have been exposed. She isolated herself and only went to the doctor. How it got infected remains a mystery, she adds.

Now encourage people to make sense.

– Among the others who have lost their lives, there are people who have appeared at the electoral meetings without bandages and who follow Trump’s savage ideology. They put themselves and others in danger, I really hope they understand soon.

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BROTHERS: Keith H. Burgess and Kenneth Williams at mother’s funeral. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

– Should retire

After Woodward’s bomb book was released, Trump came out and defended what he told the renowned journalist. At a press conference, the president said that “the flu is also a big problem” for the United States, and also explained that “he wants to show the American people a level of self-confidence, leadership and that our country will triumph no matter what happens.”

Burgess believes that Trump should resign as president as a result of the book’s reveal.

– He should retire, but because of his arrogance and narcissistic personality, he won’t. After the election, we can end up in a situation where you only accept the result if you win.

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Trump defends himself after “book bomb”: – The flu is also a big problem

– He is a person who will win, regardless of the price, whether by cheating, lying or stealing, believes Burgess.

At the same time, it encourages everyone to exercise their right to vote.

– If you haven’t managed to handle this in seven months, what makes people think we can afford to have you sitting there for another four years? He governs this country in the gutter, as he has done with all his companies, says the 53-year-old.

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