More than 200 young people in Snarøya: the armed police look for the robbers – VG


NOISE AFTER THE PARTY: Police stop all traffic at the entrance and exit of Snarøya. It is said that several people were robbed. Photo: Private

The police caught thieves for a youth party at Snarøya in Bærum. Shots must also have been fired.

– There are at least three people who have been robbed after this party. We stopped buses in the area to check and find the perpetrators, says operations manager Vidar Pedersen at the Oslo Police on Saturday night.

He says the robberies took place in the wake of the youth party at Snarøya in Bærum, but he cannot say anything about whether it was party participants or random youth who were robbed.

– Four children were threatened and ran to a house where they contacted someone. They reported that shots had been fired. A girl has been threatened with a knife and deprived of mobile phones and airpods, and a father reports that her son has been robbed.

If it’s the same perpetrators, it’s too early to say anything, adds the operations manager.

– It’s difficult, we are solving the cases now.

The police finished the operational part in Bærum around 11pm on Saturday night.

– No one has been arrested and we have resigned. Then further investigation will see if we find the right perpetrator or perpetrators, operations manager Sven Christian Lie tells VG just before midnight.

– Have you found anything to indicate that shots were fired at the scene?

– We have looked at a car, in which case it is a small caliber weapon. There may also be other things used in the car, at least we haven’t found any projectile.

– It happened after the party ended. Participants started walking from the Halden dock and up towards the bus stop in Fornebu, and in that sense, the windows of a single-family house were smashed and several cars were damaged, says operations manager Pedersen.

Police patrols report that the party was announced on social media and that the age of the participants was 15 years and older.

Police responded to a report of fighting, damage and a wide atmosphere at Halden Pier on Snarøya in Bærum.

– There must be a total of 200-300 young people in the place, writes the police.

They write that there is a confusing situation on the site.

– We received a notification that a car has been shot at the scene. The police have armed themselves, the police write.

The police inform Budstikka that they are young since adolescence.

– They are vases around the road, says operations manager Vidar Pedersen to the newspaper.

According to Pedersen, the youth are reported to be damaging a car and have broken a window in a residential home.

– There must also have been a personal theft in Rolfstangveien, where it is said that someone was threatened with giving away goods, says Pedersen.

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