– Nothing found indicating gunshot wounds – VG


APPLICANT: Police searched Sunday night in the vicinity of Bredtvetveien. Photo: Hanna Hjardar

GRORUDDALEN (VG) Police received a report on Sunday night that a man had been shot and wounded on an open street in Oslo. – Investigations show the extent of damage is believed to be due to a knife, police say.

At 11:16 p.m., the police signed Twitter that a man had been shot and wounded on an open street in Oslo. Also reported VG. At 1:02 p.m. the meter reports arrived.

– Nothing has been found indicating gunshot wounds to the victim. The extent of the damage is believed to be due to a knife, COO Christian Krohn Engeseth tells VG.

– But have shots been fired?

– The message we got from AMK was that it was about bang. We don’t know where the bangs came from. No indications have been found that shots were fired. The aggrieved party’s explanations also indicate that a knife or other pointed object was used. But the site is still being worked on.

Questioned at the hospital

At 11:44 p.m., the police stated that the man in his 30s had been sent to hospital for treatment.

The man is out of danger and must not be seriously injured.

– He is being treated at Ullevål hospital and is conscious. We have had a dialogue with the offended about what should have happened. We work from what he explains to narrow down who could have done this, says operations manager Engeseth.

He does not want to elaborate on what the man said during the questioning.

– The hypothesis that we are working on from now on is that this is not a random event. We work on the basis that there is a relationship between victims and perpetrators, task leader Erik Hestvik tells VG right after kl. 01.

– We have a little more extensive knowledge of what should have happened, without my being able to go into details about the injuries of the wounded, continues Hestvik.

Looking for at least two people

When the police were first notified that a person had been shot, there was a large police force in the area. Both crews and dog patrols were searched.

– In connection with the incident, two or more perpetrators were observed, we put them in connection with a silver gray van. A vehicle said to have left the scene immediately after the incident, and we are interested in all the information on said vehicle, says operations manager Erik Hestvik.

– Do you know anything that could indicate what the motive is, or is it from the victim or from those you are looking for in a special environment?

– The police have a clear opinion on this, but I will not comment further.

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