We do not know if it works against covid-19 – VG


PROMISING: Steinar Madsen, director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency, says that in the future it will be important to investigate whether the Russian vaccine is safe enough and whether it actually protects against the coronavirus. Photo: Kyrre Lien

Preliminary results of the Russian corona vaccine Sputnik-V are promising, but subject director Steinar Madsen of the Norwegian Medicines Agency says there are still many unanswered questions.

Two tests of the Russian-developed corona Sputnik-V vaccine in a total of 76 participants show that all have developed antibodies against the virus. No one should have had serious side effects either.

It appears in results published in the renowned The Lancet Medical Journal, writes the Reuters news agency. The two tests were conducted in June and July.

– This confirms that vaccine candidates cause the body to develop antibodies, writes The Lancet.

However, the journal emphasizes that more evidence is needed, among other things, to determine the long-term efficacy and safety of the vaccine.

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I do not know if it works

– The first thing you need to do to develop a vaccine is a small study in a few healthy volunteers, to see that they do not have unwanted side effects and that there is an effect in which the body produces antibodies and cells that can kill viruses. The results in this regard look promising, says subject director Steinar Madsen from the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

He spoke for the first time with TV 2 early Friday.

– It appears that many subjects produce antibodies and have an immune response to the vaccine. It is a good and necessary starting point for moving forward with a vaccine.

At the same time, Madsen emphasizes that we do not know if this vaccine really works against covid-19.

– It is important to confirm whether it will protect against the disease. We do not know.

– There is evidence that it protects against infection by antibodies, but the extent to which it is currently unknown. For example, will the protection last for a short time or a long time? There are many such questions that you should try to find answers to, says Madsen.

The vaccine will be tested on 30,000

It was in early August that Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that the Sputnik-V vaccine had been approved by the country’s health authorities.

– There has been a lot of talk about whether the vaccine has been approved or not, among other things, there has been talk of starting to vaccinate now. The article says it will be tested on 30,000 subjects, it is difficult to interpret this, but it looks like a cross between a vaccination campaign and a phase 3 trial, says Madsen.

– What will be the next phase of this study and why is it important to get answers?

– There are two things that are important. One is that the vaccine is safe enough, the other is that it protects against the coronavirus. There are two things that need to be mapped through further testing and use.

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High: not covered by the Norwegian agreement

Health Minister Bent Høie (H) said at Friday’s press conference that the Russian vaccine shows promising results, but that it is not covered by the Norwegian agreements.

– All the positive news about vaccines is good. Norway’s strategy to vaccinate the Norwegian population is reviewed through the cooperation of the EU. We are currently working on nine agreements, but none of the nine include the Russian vaccine, the health minister said, according to NTB.

– There are many, around 170 if I remember correctly, various vaccine initiatives in the world. We are not part of everyone, but of a portfolio that will increase the probability of success, as we do together with the other European countries, Høie said.

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