– Has driven completely wild – VG


The driver was pulled from the car by passersby and is apprehended by the police.

The case is being updated!

Police are at the Niels Juels gate at Frogner in Oslo with several patrol cars after a car collided with several cars and buildings.

– The driver is a man and seems to be very drunk. Now they are preparing him for blood tests, says site operations manager Joakim Dyrdal.

Operations manager Gjermund Stokkeli tells NTB that the driver is 50 years old.

The police have opened a case and are conducting technical investigations on the ground.

VG has gained access to a video showing the driver of the car being pulled from the car by four or five bystanders. It is clear that the driver sits to defend himself and the people around the car apparently use a lot of force to get him out of the car.

The driver stands on the road at Niels Juels’ door and in the video he is lying quietly on the road.

Witnesses tell VG that the people who took the man out of the car must have been young men.

The side window on the driver’s side of the Audi the man was driving was broken.

One wounded

– The driver was taken over by passersby, confirms task manager Joakim Dyrdal.

– We have control of the driver and now we are looking for wounded. One injured person has so far been found, police write on Twitter.

Police haven’t found any more injured people, but are now working to get an overview of the injured cars. Car owners are advised to contact the police if they have suffered damage to the car.

VG has spoken with a manager of the company who is registered as a lessor of the car. He claims that the company has several employees who dispose of cars during and outside of working hours.

Watch the interview with the task leader:

Clear damage

– We get quite a few emergency calls. It’s a car that has driven completely wild in at least 20 cars and various buildings, including a Joker store, says operations manager Gjermund Stokkeli.

There is obvious damage to cars and buildings, according to Stokkeli.

– A person is slightly injured. The driver appears unharmed, he says.

The journey began in Briskebyveien and in Bygdøy there, before the car stopped at Niels Juels’ gate.

VG has spoken to several car owners on the street. One of the closest to the Audi that hit about 20 cars belongs to a local resident. When VG calls, he still hasn’t seen the savage drive.

– Than? Now I go out to the patio.

– Yes, there is a black car and the street is full of people and is blocked, says the woman. It’s hard to see the damage from here, I have to go down to check it now.

Two women who live on the streets tell VG the following:

– We sat on the top of the fifth floor and then we heard noises that it was breaking on the street. Then we ran to the bedroom window and saw someone pulling a person out of the car. They then held him down until the police arrived. There were many screams of him lying on the ground. The police eventually took him to an ambulance.

– You can always paint the car

Anneline Ulfrstad lives on the doorstep of Niels Juels and is among those who sustained damage to her car, which was parked on the street, after a man collided with several cars and buildings.

– There are some injuries, but they are not very big – I have a dent in the back of the car, he tells VG.

Ulfrstad was walking his dog when the incident occurred.

– Luckily I went in another direction, so I didn’t see it, she says.

– When I came back I saw that there were lots of police cars and ambulances. I think it is terrible and it is a coincidence that no lives have been lost. The car can always be repainted, he says.

THE CAR DAMAGED: Anneline Ulfrstad lives outside Niels Juels and had her car parked on the street when the 50-year-old crashed into about 20 cars and several buildings on Friday. The damage isn’t great, but there is a dent in the car, he says. Photo: Abdirahman Hassan

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