Fewer Labor will vote in Trøndelag, but Giske remains popular – VG


Trond Giske wants to resign from politics after his term at the Storting expires next year. But still four out of ten Trøndelag residents will have him as minister if there is a winner of the elections in 2021. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

In a new poll, 58 percent of those polled say they are less likely to vote for the Labor Party after the chaotic county party meeting last weekend.

Only 12 percent think they are more likely to vote for Labor. At the same time, four out of ten respond that they would like to see Trond Giske as minister of state, shows a poll Sentio has conducted for Trønder-Avisa.

Twenty-nine percent of the party’s own voters say they are less likely to vote for the Labor Party next fall, while 40 percent say it is more likely.

Despite Trond Giske deciding to retire after further harassment accusations, he remains popular in Trøndelag. If there were a new red-green government after next fall’s parliamentary elections, four out of ten Trøndelag residents will have Giske as minister, while 53 percent of the party’s own voters say the same, the newspaper writes.

The poll shows that Giske is most popular with older members of his own party and least popular with those under 30.

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