Therefore, Northug was charged with driving under the influence of drugs – VG


ACCUSED: Petter Northug is charged with driving under the influence and storing drugs. The charge of driving under the influence of drugs was dropped today after a negative blood test. Photo: DAVID ENGMO

Police confirm Petter Northug took a positive saliva sample and that along with other investigations led to a search of Northug’s residence. Now the rough driving video footage is also part of the investigation.

Petter Northug took a negative blood test and thus resigns from the drug-driving charge in the case against the former ski star. But the charge of driving 168 kilometers per hour and possession of drugs remains.

Lawyer Halvard Helle confirms in an SMS that they are going for a confession case.

– Yes, there should be nothing to prevent the case from becoming a confession case, Helle writes to VG.

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Police are now talking about the reason Northug was charged with driving under the influence of drugs, even though the blood test came back negative.

It was based on observations and research at the site, including a positive saliva sample. There were reasons to suspect that she was driving under the influence of drugs. That was the reason a blood sample was taken to clarify this, Karoline Ekeberg, prosecutor in the case tells VG.

Rolled own rough driving

At a press conference in Trondheim last Friday, Northug also said that he had filmed his own rough driving and admitted a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour in the 80s.

“I was also stupid enough to record it on the phone,” Northug declared at the press conference almost two weeks ago.

He also said that he had shared video footage of the rough driving.

“I sent it to my friends,” Northug said.

– At very high speeds, up to 200 kilometers per hour?

– Yes, the videos the police have now.

– How do the police relate to the video footage you have and the fact that Northug has admitted to driving in the 200 km / h 80 zone? Are they charging you for this?

– The police have video footage showing high speed driving. It is part of the further investigation of the case. If I do that, I don’t want to say anything about the possible consequences, says Ekeberg.

The reason for the search

Northug himself confirmed that the police seized drugs, in the form of 10 grams of cocaine, at his residence. He first did this on his own Instagram profile the day after searching almost three weeks ago.

– In my house, the police found cocaine and sleeping pills. One I have used in the search for kicks, the other to calm me down again. It is shameful and reprehensible and I am sorry for what I have done, Northug said at the press conference.

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– Now that the drug driving charge has been dropped, what is the basis for the police to take the step of searching Northug’s residence?

– At the time, there were good reasons to suspect that you were driving under the influence of drugs. This, along with other observations and investigations in the case, meant that it was correct to register the residence.

Police previously confirmed that they seized the ski star’s mobile phone. They do not want to comment on whether they have made any more seizures or if they have found evidence. They also do not want to comment on whether 40,000 kronor in cash, which police found in Northug’s car, influenced the fact that a search was carried out.

– Are you investigating other matters and can the position be extended?

– I do not want to comment on that, says Ekeberg that while the investigation is ongoing he will not say anything about a possible punishment.

Police say it is too early to say whether the case will end as a simplified confession case.

VG had access to a video showing that Northug had been detained by police on Thursday, August 13.

Øystein Milli, VG crime expert, says the negative blood test result means a lot to Northug’s case.

– It means a lot in criminal law. So it’s not a drunken wild ride. It’s just a wild ride, too fast, in zone 110, says Milli during the VGTV broadcast after the blood work was done.

Milli believes that it is now a crime, although Northug is still charged with driving under the influence and possession of drugs, in isolation it does not now seem a very serious case.

– There will be a much less penalty and it is not certain that there will be any imprisonment, says Milli.

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