Highest number of new cases since April – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


This article is over a month old and may contain outdated advice from authorities on coronary heart disease.

Stay up to date on the NRK overview or on the FHI website.

The number of new infections rose dramatically on Monday, after several new clusters of infections were confirmed in Norway.

At the Bergen School of Business, a series of measures were implemented after 19 new cases of infection were confirmed at the school on Monday. A total of 58 students have been confirmed to be infected.

The school closed all physical education and students were able to test themselves on the school grounds. In addition, all the students who had been to parties or other gatherings where infection control was not well taken care of, were asked to be quarantined for ten days.

It may be due to a delay

As of Tuesday morning, figures from the MSIS (FHI’s infectious disease notification system) show that 10,782 people are or have been infected by the coronavirus in Norway.

During Monday 139 new cases of contagion were registered. This is the biggest one-day increase since April 7.

– Some labs are in high demand, and several of the currently reported cases have test dates several days ago. The number of new cases reported in the last 24 hours is not the same as the number of newly diagnosed cases in the last 24 hours, says department director Hilde Kløvstad at FHI in a comment to NTB.

Today, 12 people are hospitalized with coronary heart disease in Norwegian, the NRK summary shows. 264 people have died. There have been no new deaths since August 20.


On Monday, the National Institute of Public Health issued a “crown reminder” to delay doctors.

The failure and delay of doctors to report to FHI’s MSIS messaging system means that authorities lack crucial information about COVID-19 infection in society, FHI warns.

You must report from the same day

– To handle the pandemic with new and ongoing outbreaks in a good way, we are completely reliant on physicians meeting the obligation to report and quickly submit additional information in the MSIS reporting system, said Director Helen Brandstorp in the division of analysis and society in the Norwegian Health Directorate.

– We understand that daily life is busy, but the data reported is continuously used in analysis and evaluation of the infection situation both locally and nationally, he added.

All doctors have a duty to report to the system. When they discover or suspect covid-19, they must notify the National Institute of Public Health and the municipal doctor of the municipality where the infected person lives the same day in writing.

Sprout at school

In Hamar and neighboring municipalities, several strict measures were also introduced on Monday after 18 people associated with the Ridabu school were diagnosed with covid-19.

Grades 5-10 in all schools in Stange, Ringsaker, Løten and Hamar municipalities are closed for the week as a result of the outbreak.

In addition, the level of readiness in kindergartens and elementary schools rises to red. This means that there will be teaching in the school, but in smaller groups.

Also in Kristiansand, up to 180 people from various schools in Kristiansand were quarantined after a family in the city was diagnosed with the infection on Monday.

Test vaccines

At the same time that the number of infections increases, the Swedish authorities warn that the EU will soon have four new agreements on vaccines ready. Norway’s vaccine strategy is linked to EU cooperation.

In the world, at least 120 vaccine projects are underway. Nine of these are said to have reached the stage where it is being tested on thousands of people.

It is still unknown when a vaccine may be ready for mass vaccination. The most optimistic assumptions say that as soon as possible in the new year.

According to a survey by Opinion, 60 percent of those surveyed are concerned about the side effects of the vaccine.

Still, there is a majority, almost two out of three, who say they want to receive the vaccine when it is ready.
