– Extremely much bigger than I thought – VG


Thomas Hedum Tufte (20) is the most used for perching and stinging. On Monday, he helped fish a 200-pound mackerel sturgeon off the east coast.

– It’s the sickest thing I’ve ever experienced, says the youngest man in the Morild Tuna Crew.

Fiskeavisen reported for the first time on the six vessels that make up one of the 24 teams that have received permission from the Directorate of Fisheries to fish sturgeon for mackerel this year. The purpose is to map the population.

– The strongest and the worst

Thomas is an apprentice at the same company as Alexander Nilsson, who along with Torgeir Huset has fished Kenyan marlin and tuna. They are the two who have experience on board.

– I’m a little more used to trout, perch and small river and lake pike at home, says the 20-year-old from Tomter in Indre Østfold.

And then he would go out fishing for the largest species of the tuna family.

– The mackerel sturgeon is the biggest, strongest and worst of all, says Thomas.

SPORTS ANGLER: Thomas Hedum Tufte with a beautiful trout. Photo: Private

It can be 680 kilos

VG has spoken of Ålesund fishermen who got a 240 kg mackerel sturgeon on 21 August and of a band that got a giant of the same species in Skagerrak on 15 August.

The mackerel sturgeon the Morild boys took was larger, but there is no record. For this fish it can reach a length of more than 4.5 meters and a weight of up to 680 kilos, according to Store norske leksikon.

The torpedo-shaped fish can reach speeds of over 66 kilometers per hour. It is also called tuna or bluefin tuna and is not uncommon along the Norwegian coast.

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It was Thomas and Torgeir who sat in the back of the boat and looked after the equipment, after the 29-foot Halco boat had set out to sea on Monday morning.

First day of fishing

It was the first day they participated in fishing.

– We had stepped for an hour and a half or two outside of Grip in Kristiansund and sat and dreamed, when suddenly we saw the sturgeon slap its tail behind the boat, says Thomas.

They fish with the so-called spreader bar, which is a rod with a crochet hook. The line is on the surface with several rubber shafts. Only the back has a hook.

– The line has a breaking strength of 90 kilos, the fishing rods are specially made and the reels are as big as buckets. I couldn’t afford to buy the equipment for a salary, says the apprentice.

GAME OVER: The mackerel sturgeon by the line, before the fishermen released it again. Photo: Private

The mackerel sturgeon cuts about 25 meters behind the boat.

280 cm large colossus

– The reel started screaming when the popping started. The sturgeon tried to get to the bottom. Torgeir had to drive to exhaust the fish, which has extreme powers.

The crew started all the other equipment. After 45 minutes, the match ended.

– I kept a little distance while it happened. When I got in line to see the sturgeon, I was shocked. It was much bigger than I thought, says Thomas.

FISH FUN: Thomas Hedum Tufte is more used to perching and Indre Østfold pike than giant tuna in the sea. Photo: Private

280 centimeters long, 320 kilos in weight the mackerel sturgeon weighed. They marked the colossus, took pictures and launched it again.

– He quietly swam away, then left. It was an experience I won’t immediately forget, says the Østfold boy of his first sturgeon fishing.

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