Tiffany Trump: – Come out of the den


NEW YORK / OSLO (Dagbladet): In 2015, Donald Trump’s family (74) was launched to new heights of fame, when the billionaire decided to run for office. In particular, his two daughters Ivanka (38) and Tiffany (26) received a lot of attention in the press. Since then, both have appeared in the press, for various reasons.

While the eldest daughter, Ivanka, has played an active role with her father in the White House, Tiffany has lived much longer in the shadows.

She has received some attention for her love life, but has otherwise been fairly quiet while studying law at the prestigious Georgetown University in recent years.

But at the Republican National Convention, all the “Trump women” were sent on stage, probably to help Trump with the voters he struggles to charm, writes the New York Times.

Among them was Tiffany who appeared on stage in Washington DC with bleached hair and a blue jacket.

ROSEHAGEN: First lady Melania Trump speaks in Rosehagen on Wednesday night Norwegian time. Photo: Brendan Smialowski / AFP
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Speak weird

“The bright and bright arrival of Tiffany Trump,” Vanity Fair writes of the surprising move. Earlier this year, multiple outlets reported that the president’s daughter had gone into hiding and that it was therefore surprising that she attended her father’s State of the Union address in February.

This summer, he completed a law degree at Georgetown University in the US capital, a topic he used in his Wednesday night speech.

BRILLIANTINE: Although Tiffany Trump’s speech primarily attracts attention, it also receives a lot of praise for the blue suit and sparkly blouse underneath. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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– Like many students around the world, I graduated from a pandemic. Our generation is gathered to face a future in uncertain times, and many of us wonder in what kind of country we will live, he said from the stage, which was broadcast live to the participants of the meeting.

– As a recent graduate student, I can connect with many of you who may be looking for work. My father once built a thriving economy, and believe me when I say he will do it again, he continued, according to Today.

Wearing an azure blue suit and a chalk-white smile, Tiffany spoke for six minutes about why her father should be the obvious choice for Americans now that he will go “head-to-head” against Joe Biden. She also took a hard line against traditional media and technology companies.

SMILE: Throughout the speech, Trump smiled multiple times, while looking at the camera and gesturing with his hands. The subject was obviously important to her. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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– We must recognize that our thoughts, our opinions and the choice we make about who we vote for can and are manipulated and clearly forced by the media and technology giants, he stated in the speech.

Of course, his father’s motto to “Make America Great Again” was mentioned as well. Tiffany Trump gave a similar speech at the Republican National Convention in 2016, focusing at the time on the fact that he had been a good father to her. This despite the fact that it is said that she was little present in her upbringing.

Many commenters also thought it strange that she didn’t have anything more personal to say about her father in this year’s speech.

Although he was allowed to speak in the National Assembly, he did not get the most prestigious seat of the Trump children. It came as no surprise to older sister Ivanka, who was honored to introduce her father when he delivered his keynote address.

Trump's daughter went into hiding

Trump’s daughter went into hiding

While Tiffany’s half-siblings grew up in Manhattan in “the big apple,” the now 26-year-old heir had a sheltered upbringing with his mother Marla Maples (56).

– I had the opportunity to be a normal kid out of the limelight, while the others grew up in New York. They always had intense media attention, he told the Daily Mail in 2013.

However, she has developed a prosperous lifestyle on breast milk. She went to a private school in Calabasas that cost almost 260,000 crowns a year, among other things.

TALTE: Eric Trump, son of the President of the United States, spoke at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night. Video: AP
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Agents in the classroom

So he studied at Georgetown University in Washington DC, where he received a law degree. She previously studied sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. Still, being the president’s daughter has its pros and cons, depending on how you look at it.

According to Washingtonian magazine, which recently wrote a shadow portrait of the president’s daughter, it was clear to everyone that they had a Trump in their class. In a lecture once, it is said that she received a question from her teacher, but could not answer.

Tiffany (25) stabbing daddy Trump

Tiffany (25) stabbing daddy Trump

Then one of the Secret Service agents, sitting in the hallway incognito, decided to give the answer.

The professor hit him hard. According to his classmates, it was easy to identify the officers who take care of him: It is always the older men in caps who feel a little out of place in the auditorium.

Otherwise, she spends a lot of time with her boyfriend. The 26-year-old is with Michael Boulos, who comes from a wealthy Lebanese family. The relationship is quite recent.

Two years ago, she left her ex-boyfriend Ross Mechanic, the son of a real estate attorney. The two shared many photos of each other, but it ended as the relationship.
