Look who appeared in Hordvik


When he saw the alien bird, he didn’t understand what it was.

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On Sunday, Bjørn Heggenes saw this black swan when he was walking. – I was curious, he says. Photo: Bjørn Heggenes

It was only after searching the web that Bjørn Heggenes realized that the beautiful creature swimming around Hordvik harbor was, in fact, as rare as a black swan.

He himself was on a Sunday trip with his black Labrador Teddy when he discovered the swan. He was accompanied by a small flock of cane ducks.

– Not particularly shy

– How did your dog react?

– He doesn’t care about anything, he doesn’t have a hunting instinct. Teddy is a retired guide dog and behaves very well, says the maternal grandfather.

He estimates that the swan was ten meters away from him when he photographed him in a recreation area in Hordvik.

He didn’t seem particularly shy, and seemed to have calmed down. I’ve googled black swans to belong to Australia and New Zealand, says Heggenes.

This can be confirmed by Terje Lislevand, who is an associate professor of zoology at the Bergen University Museum and an expert on birds.

But that the black swan in Hordvik has come from so far is completely excluded.

– They are relatively common park birds, and this one has certainly lost its way to a park in Europe. Stuck in the world on his own, Lislevand says.

– big birds

He himself has seen black swans both in Australia and in a park in the Netherlands.

– These are wonderful birds. This swan is probably a roaming bird trying to find a place to live, and a companion, says the bird expert.

Lately, blackout habits have been associated with the crown pandemic, which Lislevand believes is completely wrong and unfair.

– Black Swan has nothing to do with the crown. But in the past, such swans were associated with something quite unexpected, a sensation, he says.

Lislevand says that on March 11 of this year a black swan was observed in Halden.

Otherwise, the black swan has also been seen in Norway in 2017, 2015, 2014, 2012 and 2010 according to www.artsobservationer.no.

– I just have to emphasize that the find is certainly interesting, and it is nice to have such unusual birds recorded, even if they don’t happen spontaneously, as it’s called. That is, they have not come here alone, but have been evicted or deviated from captivity, he explains.

