Premier League disagreement on an important point


On Monday, several British media reported that the Premier League was given the green light to resume the season from June 1.

The English newspaper The Telegraph has access to a 50-page document that shows how to reopen the country.

The government’s insistence on betting on neutral paths is now causing problems.

After Monday’s meeting, the Premier League wants to urge the British government and emergency services to reconsider the demand that the season be played on neutral ground.

This is because more than half of the league’s 20 teams have expressed dissatisfaction. Write the ESPN sports website.

Disagreement between various clubs.

While some clubs cite the need for sports integrity in completing the season at home and away, others will have the advantage of playing at home, while other clubs emphasize the importance of recognizing lucrative sponsorship deals. As to
example called stadium rights.

– There is no perfect solution for this, and it is difficult to satisfy all the clubs. Of course, neutral shooting isn’t ideal, but it’s much better than not completing the season, The Athletic journalist James Pearce said in While We Wait For TV 2 Sumo.

There has been widespread opposition to the proposal for a neutral path by several clubs threatened by the decline. Brighton and Aston Villa have also expressed concern about giving up the home advantage, due to crucial struggles to maintain
himself in the Premier League.

Authorities, who will meet with the Premier League for closer talks this week, will use neutral pathways to better implement pollution measures in the parties. For example, you will prevent thousands of Liverpool fans from gathering outside
the stadium when the team can secure the league title.

The season will end

The last three clubs in the league may be forced to support the restart of the Premier League after the FA Football League agreed to claim that the season decided on sporting merit, writes the Daily Mail.

That means playing the remaining games or using a formula called points per game, which can be used to decide the league.

According to the calculations of the English newspaper, the current lower layers of Bournemouth, Aston Villa and Norwich will surely be reduced.

That means those clubs are likely to support plans to resume the season in an effort to avoid relegation.

– In order to play on a neutral field, at least 14 clubs have to agree, and some clubs may want to. You read a lot different in the media. But clearly there are many clubs that are interested in self-interest and would like to cancel the season. Of course, all club leaders aim to represent the best for the club as well as they can in the joint video conference. But there must be some exceptions, says James Pearce.
