Industry expects Erna to help with a list of “ready-to-use” projects – E24


Norsk Industri has provided a long list of projects that the state can help activate. The industry organization believes it could counter weak markets after the crown crisis and create jobs for the future.

Norcem in Brevik plans to develop a large-scale plant for CO₂ capture. This is one of the many industrial projects on the list of prefabricated projects that the industrial organization Norsk Industri wants state aid to activate.

Kjetil Malkenes Hovland, E24


Rarely has there been as much despair in the business world as after the crown crisis.

Norway has been closed for weeks to limit the spread of the virus, and has resulted in a strong explosion for many companies and for the entire economy.

The blow is so strong that Norges Bank lowered its interest rate to zero percent this week for the first time. It should counteract a dramatic and prolonged recession in the economy.

After the crisis, Norway will need to stimulate activity in the economy, says the industrial organization Norsk Industri. They point out that there may be a recession in the coming period.

Therefore, they have compiled a complete list of pot-ready industrial projects in industries such as energy intensive industry, shipyards, aquaculture and tourism. They have sent this list to Prime Minister Erna Solberg, hoping to get state aid.

See the complete list at the end of the case.

– Service provider industries collapsed during the crown crisis, but people will return to the hairdresser and still drink coffee with milk in Norway. But the industry will have poor markets in the future, says Norwegian Knut Sunde in Esk.

He hopes that the projects on the list can make the industry a driver for the Norwegian economy at a time when oil investment is expected to drop sharply.

It requires government facilitation and support, but it will also help strengthen Norway’s future competitiveness, according to the Norsk Industri summit.

– We try to create value and new jobs, while helping to meet climate goals, says Sunde.

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– It’s about people

Norsk Industri’s list includes from one billion projects to smaller investments that can become big over time. Among other things, the organization is highlighting CO capture and accelerating state procurement as new research ships and mine cleaners for the Armed Forces, and increased investment in hydrogen that includes fast boats and cruisers.

Jeanette Moen, industry manager for Norwegian industry, says the organization has prepared the list to show how Norway can secure new jobs and Norwegian competitiveness in a new era with stringent climate requirements.

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– This list of projects is about people and about the town or city where companies and workplaces are located. Such a list makes these questions more concrete, Moen tells E24.

“It will not only be a debate on whether the state should give Enova more money, but on how the local authority or the local company can create new jobs in industries that adapt to climate objectives,” he adds.

Focus on green change

Healthy notes that the projects on the long list are very important to the industry’s willingness to invest in the future.

Norwegian industry director Knut Sunde.

Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix

– For the process industry, there are specific climate projects that point to a future where emissions are priced differently than today. For oil suppliers, there are important projects to gain more advantage when oil’s role in the Norwegian economy gradually declines, he says.

– There will be a lot of employment if you start these projects. Here you can boost activity in the Norwegian economy and at the same time point forward. These are also projects on which the industry itself wants to spend a large amount of money in the coming years, he adds.

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Among other things, Moen highlights the government’s ambitious plan for CO₂ management and says plans are being made in other parts of the country. Sintef has previously estimated that this technology could create thousands of jobs in Norway.

– Initiating CO para capture and storage projects can lay the foundation for development that can create new jobs in the long term. For example, an investment decision for large-scale CO captura capture at Brevik and Fortum could help trigger several other projects that are underway, Moen says.

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Requires support and tax elimination

– Is this a plan for the government to give the industry everything it wants?

“We don’t get all of this, but what we want is to show offensive initiatives in the industry that can help kick-start activity in the Norwegian economy,” says Sunde.

“It is capital intensive, and there are many dilemmas with spending so much money, but here there is at least visible what exists of commercial initiatives, where the industry invests heavily with its own funds,” he adds.

To trigger some of the projects on the list, there are policy changes that need to be made, such as lowering the basic interest tax on agriculture or changing the basic interest tax for the energy industry.

– Some of the projects are expensive to start, but at the same time they can create a new direction for Norway and create new jobs. This is not free, but it should be political compensation, says Sunde.
