The Ballad of Abid and Knut – VG


The ballad of Abid and Knut

By Tono Sofie Aglen


A bump below the seatbelt or a necessary alert? A vicious personal conflict in the Ministry of Culture can cast shadows on the left’s leadership debate.

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A difficult boss, an incompetent employee, or just a slow motion culture shock?

There are very different stories about what happened between the Minister of Culture, Abid Raja, and his Secretary of State, the folk musician, and local politician Knut Aastad Bråten, at the Ministry of Culture. Now we are not familiar with the views of the leftists, but this far exceeds.

According to TV2 sources, the Ministry of Culture has repeatedly contacted the prime minister’s office because the secretary of state was not working at his job. So far no one has confirmed this, but such intervention by the bureaucracy is considered surprising and very unusual.

Braden’s farewell letter on Facebook more than suggests a completely different story: “Politicians have to show normal morals and ethics, to be trustworthy, someone to admire. Political ignorance smells bad … “, he wrote. The abode chooses to withdraw for the sake of its “own integrity”.

Although it is a half-hearted show, one does not need much imagination to realize that he is hinting at his boss, Abid Raja. But if one cares about ethics and integrity first, one may object that he has shown it best by saying things clearly.

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Many sources say that there is an early division between the two. But if the main problem is an employee who did not cope with the job, or a manager who more or less pushes an employee out of work, there are different points of view. But with very few exceptions, those who know the case believe that it has two sides. At least.

Why everything is like this, one should look for two more different personalities than the long game player, the ethnologist and editor Vis and Segn de Valdres and the Norwegian-Pakistani lawyer and propeller from Oslo. But recently we read in the newspaper that inequality is not a problem at all.

Because in VG on February 10 of this year, the two lovingly stayed and said how they expected to work together: “One of us is gay, the other is Muslim. The idea that cooperation should be problematic has never surprised us “, began his chronicle. “Show tolerance. Show the good man in you,” was his message to the world at the time.

So it lasted.

Knut Aastad Bråten achieves good shooting targets both in party and in cultural life. A comprehensive, thoughtful and knowledgeable cultural personality. One would like to stick the label “whole wood”. The massive response he received says that this is a person in a strong position. But that doesn’t mean he is the perfect secretary of state.

Abid Q. Raja and Knut Aastad Bråten together at the Ministry of Culture when the relationship was a little better. Photo: Mattis Sandblad

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It is a job for those especially interested. Here are the unpredictability, the long days of work, an incredible rhythm and many commitments to lose the night sleep. It is not the place for primadonna, thin skin, perfectionism or idealism. You have to find yourself doing the crappy job while the minister gets the credit. The job is to make the boss shine. And the boss doesn’t have to be a good boss at all. Some rise to the top of politics precisely because they are very good at putting themselves first.

As the Prime Minister’s closest associate, there are often those who eliminate frustration and bad sides. It is not uncommon to find that the Minister is foolish and less knowledgeable than he. Not without reason, the best and longest-serving secretaries of state are often the gray eminences. The award at the other extreme is, of course, an extremely interesting and influential work.

Raja and Bråten were obviously not created for each other. But the problem for Abid Raja, and therefore also for the left, is that this not only appears as a closed personnel conflict. Because where most people choose to walk out the door quietly or have an urgent need to see more for the family, Bråten chooses to leave a kind of final certificate for the employer.

Some believe that it is correct for him to notify. Others don’t like the way he does it and call it a bump below the belt site. In any case, hit Raja’s very weak spot. No one doubts that it is capable of creating attention and enthusiasm. But many are unsure if he has the right qualities to run a party. The conflicts surrounding Raja have rarely been over political disagreements. It has been largely about cooperation, leadership, and trust. For example, you have words to eat for counselors who leave.

After the leadership debate on the left went into a kind of hibernation, it now comes alive. Raja’s supporters believe that he is completely unscathed in this situation, and that some use him for anything worth hitting him. Others believe that this shows once again that Raja is not the one to lead the party.

Although the truth is probably somewhere in between, even leftists choose to listen to the tune they like best.

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