– Fabric is stretched too much – E24


Almost two months after the virus outbreak, people still have permission two days in advance. This despite the fact that the exception should only be used when the job loss occurs completely unforeseen. Respondents include Aker Solutions employees.

Per Kristian Norddal is the leader of the Tekker Group at Aker Solutions. He believes the company has fired in the short term in recent weeks.



On March 14, Aker Solutions, owned by Røkke, announced that the 6,000 employees in Norway had been notified of possible layoffs.

As a consequence, as of early May, the company has laid off more and more employees with less notice than 14 days, as required by the main contract, and invokes the right to use the two-day government-imposed loss period unforeseen work due to crown.

– We have been notified today of new people fired two days in advance. When the community now faces a controlled reopening, we believe the phase-out has become too widespread, says Per Kristian Norddal, technical manager for Aker Solutions technical team Per Kristian Norddal, this week.

A large number of records are currently being withdrawn as a result of the ravages of the coronavirus, and the latest figures show that 377,678 people have applied for unemployment benefits at the time of termination.

Of the 1,000 Tekna members at Aker Solutions, 80 people have been fired to date.

Half the salary

As early as mid-April, E24 wrote that experts thought it might now be too late to leave two days early, which was one of the measures the government introduced in March.

SBDL attorney Kristian Foss Aalmo explained that it is crucial if what led to a job shortage was truly unforeseen.

– It is doubtful if you now You can claim that the effect of the coronavirus is unforeseen, when the past few weeks have seen the effects it has on a number of businesses, Aalmo said April 15.

NAV creates the crown crisis can They are considered unforeseen and therefore qualify for a brief notice of dismissal, but that does not mean that everyone can use the scheme that is generally applied in the event of accidents or natural events.

For a company to leave, it must be due to lack of work or “Other conditions that the employer cannot predict and adjust.”

And this is what makes Aker Solutions employees react.

– We are surprised and believe that it is a shame to ignore the rules established in the world of work. Therefore, we have notified management that the company’s practice of the notice period will be disputed through the unions, Norddal says and continues:

– For other businesses, such as hairdressers, covid-19 resulted in an approximate professional ban. For my members in the engineering business, the biggest change was that people had to use the home office. There have been comments that this has worked well for most people.

The short layoff period also means that many employees are sinking into pay in a short period of time.

– Many of our members have salaries above 6G, and from day three they receive much lower salaries than they have invested. When she switches to unemployment benefit, many people have cut their wages in half in a few weeks, Norddal says.

Check the number of layoffs in your municipality:

Tekna President: – The two-day deadline is too much

Norddal is backed by Tekna President Lise Lyngsnes Randeberg, who believes Aker Solutions is one of several examples of large companies that should have been laid off 14 days in advance.

– The history of Aker Solutions is definitely known, says Randeberg.

– Two days notice was used a lot at first. Now we see a slight recession, but it is still used and overused. We hope it will not continue as it has been going on for months and the crown situation can no longer be said to be an unforeseen event.

CRITICISM: President of Technology Lise Lyngsnes Randeberg believes the two-day layoff notice is being overused.


At the same time, club leader Norddal says that by May 5, notification was suspended two days earlier.

– It was the conditions that occurred before covid-19 that started the use of layoffs in the company. This was discussed with delegates before the virus crisis occurred, he says and continues:

– There is no doubt that covid-19 and the fall in oil prices will put projects at risk. This has already affected the company and will also have long-term consequences. However, this has not resulted in a complete business closure that may warrant the use of a two-day notice period for layoffs. This is also Tekna’s assessment.

In a Tekna survey of union representatives of the private companies they have fired, 57 percent say they have been notified two days earlier.

This is worrying. The 14-day notice is and should be standard for layoffs. This time can exceptionally be reduced to two days, and the crown situation in some cases may qualify for this. The main rule is to spend 14 days now that the virus has long devastated, and the crown’s measures can no longer be considered a predictable event, Randeberg says.

Aker Solutions: – Familiar with disagreement

On March 14, 6,000 Aker Solutions employees were told there could be layoffs at the company, but it was unclear how many would apply and when a strike would occur.

When it comes to criticism from Tekna and club leaders, Aker Solutions confirms that he has been fired on short notice.

– We have used both the shortened period and the 14-day notification period in connection with our dismissal situation. The deadline has depended on the situation and whether there has been a basis for using a shorter deadline. Examples of such situations have been the acute loss of work due to the missions being canceled or postponed, and the consequences of various government-imposed infection control measures that have been implemented and that specifically affect missions on the high seas and petrochemicals, communications manager Ivar Simensen tells E24.

When, for example, the engineering department asks if Aker Solutions can use a two-day notice of layoff, the company believes that a shorter period than 14 days can be used.

“With the unforeseen and special situations that arose, especially in the launch of covid-19, in our opinion there is a basis for using a shorter notification period,” Simensen said in a statement.

– We are aware that unions have expressed their disagreement on the use of the shortened notification period in relation to covid-19. If a dispute arises as to whether it is correct to use the shortened period or the 14-day period, then it is the parties in working life who discuss such disputes.
