7 people and three dogs trapped on the mountain with snow and sleet – VG


An entourage of eleven people and three dogs were trapped on the ground some 1,200 meters above sea level at Ovaldsnuten in Eidfjord. – Critical to get them down quickly, say police.

A helicopter tried to rescue them, but this had to be reversed.

– Very bad weather in the area with wind, sleet / snow and low cloud cover. Very cold and humid. Helicopter resources have changed due to the weather. The local helicopter company is now making an attempt. The Red Cross is on the way, the police write.

It is freezing degrees and sleet in the area Saturday night, and it is anticipated that it will snow all night.

– They are very cold and degenerate. Comments on his condition indicate that getting in quickly is critical, COO EIvind Hellesund tells VG.

At 9:01 p.m., the police report that four of them have been taken out.

– Local Heliselskap managed to make a trip to the area, took out four people. Not possible with multiple rounds due to weather. There are still 7 people in the mountains, they write on Twitter.

The mayor Anders Vatle of the Eidfjord municipality is known in the area in question and even has animals there.

– It is high and few places to seek refuge. The weather is nasty now, he says.

Gathering sheep

According to the police, the people in the entourage are between 20 and 50 years old.

– They have been in the area since early today and are hunting sheep, says Hellesund.

He says they are stuck in very rough terrain and the weather is also a great challenge.

– The weather is bad in the area, but a local helicopter will make one last attempt. Also, Red Cross teams are on the way, Hellesund says.

They should try to get up on foot when they arrive. Some of the crews have arrived, but it takes time as the area is sparsely populated.

– It takes time to get the crews out, there are great driving distances in there. And then there are not many people living in the area, so you have the challenge of getting enough people and, says the operations manager.

The section chief of the Hordaland Red Cross Auxiliary Corps says they call where they can.

– We are mobilizing from various auxiliary corps in the Voss and Hardanger area, and some are probably already on their way to the area, he tells VG.

At 9:38 p.m., the West Police District reports that two Red Cross teams are on the way.

– It is up to just over two hours of walking. Flight time is continually evaluated, they write.

Warns of bad weather in the west

The weather will remain demanding in the western parts of the country on Saturday night and Sunday night.

– The amount of precipitation will vary greatly, but little can make a big difference, and there can be sleet and snow on the highest mountain passes, says on-duty meteorologist Per-Eigil Haga.

It’s the areas from Haukelid to Stryn, with Hardangervidda, Hemsedal, Sognfjell and Valdresflyi that are most exposed, he says.

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