43 newly infected after religious gatherings in Lyngdal – VG


Several people tested positive after the events at this house of prayer in Lyngdal last weekend. Photo: Krister Kvinlaug / Lyngdals Avis / NTB

26 people in Lyngdal and 17 people in Lindesnes Township have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus in the past 24 hours after a parish meeting in Lyngdal last weekend.

  • NTB-Oddvar Sagbakken Saanum and Jonas Berge

Lyngdal Township is now nearing total closure, writes Lyngdals Avis.

– The infection situation in Lyngdal has taken a dramatic turn in the last 24 hours. During Saturday, the municipality has been notified of a total of 26 new cases of infection in Lyngdal. Up to this point. The municipality goes to police for a violation of the Infection Control Act, the municipality writes in a press release.

The municipality first announced a possible outbreak on Friday when two of the participants tested positive. More than 150 people were tested on Friday and 163 are in quarantine.

Police report

Lyngdal Mayor Jan Kristensen (H) informs Fædrelandsvennen that a person is being reported for non-compliance with the rules on quarantine and isolation.

“Today and tomorrow we will decide whether it is necessary to keep certain classes at home or close schools,” Kristensen told the newspaper.

The meeting has already had consequences for a class at Lyngdal Christian Elementary School that has been quarantined along with the principal and two teachers.

According to the mayor, no serious illness has been reported among those infected. Most of those infected are in their 20s and 30s.

Regional crisis management

In addition to the infection in Lyngdal and Lindesnes, there are branches in the municipality of Farsund and Søgne in Kristiansand.

Lindesnes, Lyngdal and Farsund have established regional crisis management together with the police and will cooperate to deal with the outbreak, according to Lindenes Avis. They will meet later on Saturday.

Lyngdal Municipality has closed the municipality cinema and the municipal part of Sørlandsbadet until Sunday.

Romanian atmosphere

According to Fædrelandsvennen, it is a Romanian environment that has organized the meetings, which took place in Bethany in Lyngdal last Friday and Sunday.

That was before the rules were tightened so that it could only have 50 participants inside.

Therefore, the infection control rules have not been broken, but the municipality came out last week and advised residents to refrain from social events.

– It may seem that the Romanian environment has not accepted these recommendations. There are some difficulties with the language and today we had to hire an interpreter, City Chief Henriette Pettersen said Friday.

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