20 years of age difference does not scare the suitor of “Love Hunt” – VG


FARMER AND FRYER: Ronny Stokland and Borgny Berget with a safe crown distance during speed dating. Photo: Bo B. Randulff / TV 2

When Borgny Berget (59) saw farmer Ronny Stokland (39) on television, he fell flat on his face. He also didn’t let the age difference stop him.

On Monday, viewers witnessed the speed-date between Klepp’s farmer Ronny Stokland and his suitors, including Gol’s Borgny Berget.

Never before has there been such a large age difference between a farmer and a selected suitor in the 16-year history of TV show 2. But when Berget saw Stoklands on television earlier this year, he couldn’t help but to write.

– I didn’t think at all about Ronny’s age. It was just him as a person that fascinated me. His humor and energy were absolutely unique, he tells VG.

ESPERANZA: Borgny Berget was taken aback by the farmer when he saw him on the TV show. Photo: Bo B. Randulff / TV 2

However, the mountain was warned in advance.

A little I wasn’t sure. One of my friends said I shouldn’t send the letter. But then I have another friend who said that I I had to do it, laughs the 59-year-old man.

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Berget finally landed and sent the letter. She has not regretted it. The joy was enormous when she learned that the farmer wanted to know her better.

– The simple fact of being selected made me feel like a winner, says Berget.

– If that is a real age difference, but Ronny is a grown man. I am proud to show that women can fall in love with younger men regardless of age.

JOY: Ronny Stokland is a farmer in good spirits. Photo: Bo B. Randulff / TV 2

Ronny Stokland, for his part, was delighted with the intrepid suitor.

– I couldn’t help taking it with me after reading the letter. Even though I noticed the age difference, I thought “I shit on that,” he tells VG.

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The farmer explains that Berget had many of the qualities he looks for in a life partner.

– She seemed so enterprising, with her own company and stuff. Also, she’s great, a true freshman. Borgny is how I want my partner to be. I can’t have someone lying on the couch drinking cola and eating chips.

That Stokland is the one from the “Jakten” story that sets a record for the age difference, with which he is completely familiar.

– If people want to obsess over it, then be that good. It doesn’t matter to me. I received a ton of dating letters and chose the ones that were relevant to me. Borgny was among them, so I decided to look beyond the age difference.

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Both Stokland and Berget are happy if they can open paths and make things easier for others who want to give love a chance despite their age.

– You must not sit and be afraid of him. If you find one that you think is “nice”, just go ahead, the new TV producer thinks.

ALL: Ronny Stokland surrounded by all his chosen suitors, left: Olivia Matningsdal, Borgny Berget, Ingunn Anette Smedstad, Karina Dalbak, Camilla Jensen Grinde, Gro Heidi Emilsen. Photo: Bo B. Randulff / TV 2

During the speed dating on TV, Berget mentions the famous couple Vendela Kirsebom (53) and Petter Pilgaard (40), to whom he makes great sense.

– They are so inspiring. A very welcoming couple, who I love to see on television, says the 59-year-old.

Berget is often told that he looks much younger than he is.

– Often when I meet men, I think we are the same age. But then it often turns out that they are about 20 years younger. So it always surprises me. It’s certainly not the case that you’re looking for a much younger man, Berget says.

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The corona pandemic has imposed restrictions on television recording. Stokland seems to be perfectly fine. This is because the pressure to test intimate limits is less.

– So I don’t have to indulge myself with a suitor who may think it’s too early with physical contact, she says and laughs.

When Berget isn’t chasing love on television, he works with lunch box distribution, which means he travels between his hometown Gol and Bryne. So stop by the butcher’s farm on the way.

How it goes with the two in the series, it’s too early to say anything about it.

FARMERS OF THE YEAR: (Left) Ronny Stokland from Klepp, Christoffer Trøseid from Nord-Odal, Trine Turtum from Vågå and Andreas Lillevatn from Steinkjer. Photo: TV 2

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