1165 people in quarantine in Gjøvik – kindergartens and schools at the red level – VG


Innlandet Hospital, Gjøvik Department Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

Gjøvik kindergartens and schools go from yellow to red. On Sunday seven new cases of contagion were registered and 1165 people in the municipality are in quarantine.

The municipality of Gjøvik reports this on its website after crisis management had a meeting on Sunday evening. In addition to schools and kindergartens moving to the red level, kindergartens reduce their opening hours. Also in Hamar, crisis management has met.

– There are now 1,165 people under quarantine in Gjøvik, says municipal chief doctor Siri Fuglem Berg to VG.

Among other things, all the students at Vardal ungdomsskole and various upper secondary classes are in quarantine, as well as a group in a kindergarten. In addition, some are quarantined after leisure activities and gym training. Some jobs are also affected.

Six of the seven cases of infection registered in Gjøvik on Sunday correspond to people under 20 years of age.

– The new cases that have arrived in recent days are limited to the environments that we know before. It doesn’t seem to extend beyond those settings, Berg says.

also read: Outbreaks of infection in Gjøvik: – We do not have a complete description

He claims that the youngest who got infected on Sunday is of kindergarten age.

– But most of the people who are positive today did not have symptoms and therefore the probability of infecting others is also lower. We expect little infection among children in school and kindergarten, Berg says, adding that it appears that it is adults who infect children.

The kindergartens return to reduced hours, and are open from 07:30 to 16:00, indicates the municipality.

High school closed

Vardal ungdomsskole will remain closed until November 2, once infection has been demonstrated in all stages. All students are in quarantine.

At Gjøvik Upper Secondary School, a class was quarantined.

The municipality encourages all grassroots sports to avoid training where it is not possible to maintain a minimum distance of one meter. This applies to sports for children, youth and adults. Elite sports are excluded.

This means red level, according to the municipality:

  • No sick person should attend school, after school or kindergarten
  • Good hygiene and improved cleanliness
  • Avoid physical contact between staff and, where possible, divide students and children into smaller groups with normal adults
  • Ensure the distance between cohorts that do not cooperate
  • Separate areas in the schoolyard for different classes / cohorts during free minutes and breaks.
  • Opportunity for reduced offerings and alternate attendance hours at school, SFO and kindergarten.
  • Students who go to OFS have their own packed lunch.

Around 500 quarantined in Hamar

On Sunday evening, the crisis management in the Hamar municipality met again to obtain a final status on the infection situation, the municipality claims on its website.

In the past 24 hours, five new cases of infection have been reported in the municipality of Hamar, municipal chief physician Ketil Egge said Sunday morning.

About 500 people in the Hamar region are now in quarantine, the municipality writes.

– 260 people have been tested today and we are up to date with testing. At the same time, the intense monitoring of the infection has given us a good overview of the situation, says municipal director Christl Kvam, who heads the municipality’s crisis management in the press release.

The cases of infection are largely related to other known cases.

– We assess the situation so that it is not necessary to introduce more measures now, says the municipal chief in the press release.

Before the weekend, it was reported that Finsalhagen Omsorgssenter residents and employees had been quarantined. These have also been tested and so far none have tested positive.

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