To support the health and well-being of UC students, faculty and staff, and our communities, the University of California, in consultation with UC Health leadership, has systemwide executive order that all members of the UC community are required to receive an influenza immunization by November 1, 2020.
The executive mandate is a key proactive measure to protect members of the UC community – and the public at large – and to anticipate the heavy burdens on health care systems that are expected in the coming fall and winter. of diseases of influenza and COVID-19.
In addition to protecting those on campuses and the surrounding communities, this requirement is designed to prevent the emergence of flu cases at health care facilities throughout the state during the unusual public health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), flu vaccination is a safe and effective way to prevent millions of diseases and thousands of related medical visits every year. In recent years, influenza vaccinations have reduced the risk of influenza-associated hospitalizations among older adults by an average of about 40 percent. Influenza vaccinations also protect those around us, including those who are more vulnerable to serious influenza illness.
The executive assignment requires vaccination for all faculties and staff working at a UC location. The university already has a clear policy on student immunizations, and this action adds grip existing requirements for vaccination for them, and extends the requirement to faculty and staff beyond those currently in place for all UC health care workers.
A process will be deployed for faculty and staff to apply for medical exemptions. Applications for restrictions as well as religious accommodations are handled through the interactive process that is consistent with existing location policies and procedures.
Everyone UC medical plans which includes faculties, staff and students covering for flu vaccinations at no cost to those treated by the plan. In addition, for those without coverage for group health care, all ACA-compliant health plans also treat flu vaccinations as part of a non-copay prevention package.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the best source for information on this year’s flu vaccinations and when it would be available.
More information on the implementation of the UC requirement, and if the flu vaccination is available for 2020-21, will be shared in the coming weeks.