With just over 2 minutes to go, the score was still 78:78, but then Sam Van Rossom made three free throws of four and added two points, and Olimpia found herself in the lead.
Clement Prepelic launched free throws and Valencia became invulnerable in a single 18-second pitch (86:81).
Sergio Rodríguez continued touring the country from afar and the Spanish team celebrated the victory.
The most useful in this match was Zach LeDay, who played for Žalgiris last year, who scored 10 points (3/5 doubles, 1/1 trit., 1/1 year penalty), bounced 6 balls, made 2 assists, took over the ball, blocked the shot, once fouled and caused three fouls by the opponent.
The midfielder scored a total of 20 utility points.
Van Rossom was the most productive among the winners: he scored 21 points.
It was Olimpia’s second defeat in five games, and Valencia claimed their fourth victory in six games.
“Valencia”: S. Van Rossomas 21, K. Prepeličius 14, N. Kaliničius 10, L. Labeyrie and B.Dubljevičius (seventh chamber) after 9.
“Olympiad”: Shieldsas 17, K. Hinesas 13 (7 kam.), V. Micovas 12, Z.LeDay (6 kam.) And M. Rollas after 10.