Yazaki intends to lay off nearly 150 more employees in Lithuania


The company reported this to the Employment Service last week. According to Sodra, the company currently has 862 employees.

In April, Yazaki Wiring Technologies Lietuva informed the service about the dismissal of 89 people. BNS informed the company that the company submitted a new notification last week, which is not a correction to the previous notification.

Last year, the company employed more than 1.1 thousand. workers.

In its 2019-2020 activity report presented to the Records Center, Yazaki Wiring Technologies Lietuva acknowledged that the coronavirus crisis had a negative impact on the company, as almost all European car plants closed in the spring.

Yazaki intends to lay off nearly 150 more employees in Lithuania

© Algirdas Venskus

In the last fiscal year, which began in April 2019 and ended in March 2020, the company received $ 53.27 million. Income in euros: 17.2 percent. less than the previous year (64,346 million euros), its net profit fell almost 70%. up to 1,224 million (4,026 million euros).

The company, which has been operating in Lithuania since 1993, manufactures wiring systems for Volvo trucks in Sweden, Renault trucks in France and Mercedes-Benz cars in Germany.

100 percent. The company shares are owned by the German company Yazaki Wiring Technologies, owned by the Japanese Yazaki Corporation.

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