I’m going to pass out a little bit somewhere. Wind from the south, southeast, but in many places it will be weak, only in the western edge of the country it will gradually become stronger. The temperature will fluctuate from 8 to 12 degrees Celsius when it rains, but in the eastern areas it will be 13 to 15 degrees Celsius, and in the western areas the cold will cool to 6 to 7 degrees.
Wednesday at night the Atlantic cyclone and its atmospheric front will approach from the west. Starting in the western areas, cloud cover will increase, in the southwest areas it will begin to snow. The southeast, the south wind will accelerate to the mark, causing halftime in some places.
Temperatures in most of the country will still drop to 13-18 degrees Celsius, but warmer air will begin to flow into western areas, so the temperature will not drop much here and will remain at 6-11 degrees below zero.
On Wednesday, the warm atmospheric front will slide across the country and heat will begin to flow across the country. The day will be cloudy, with showers expected in many areas: snow, drizzle, rain. Lijundra, plikledled will form when it rains and freezes in places.
Temperatures will rise throughout the day, with fluctuations ranging from 2 degrees Celsius to 3 degrees Celsius at night, with only 3-8 degrees below zero in the northeast.
Thursday the weather will continue to heat up, the temperature will rise above 0 degrees throughout the day. Rains are expected in many areas during the night, and during the day they will be reduced, in some places the sun may appear.