The Vatican’s extensive communications network, including radio, television, and newspapers, remained silent. This testifies that the media surrounding the Pope were not informed of the change in attitude.
Their official tweet stream also doesn’t mention this.
The Pope’s spokesman did not respond to repeated calls and emails from Bloomberg News. The press service is still making a formal statement.
Filmmaker Yevgeny Afineevsky’s documentary revealed Pope Francis’ approach to current social issues.
Now everyone is interested in finding out what Francis really meant when he said that same-sex couples should receive legal protection, just like married heterosexuals. In Catholicism, this topic has long been considered taboo.
In an interview included in the documentary Francesco, which premiered at the Rome Film Festival on Wednesday, the Pope appears to have broken the long-standing conservatism of the Catholic Church on LGBTQ rights.
They are children of God and have the right to a family. No one should be rejected or made to feel bad about it, ”he said in Spanish. – We should create a civil union law. In this way, they would be legally protected. I fought for it. “
Two people working for Vatican-controlled media have been told to ignore this story.
A senior Vatican official said the pope’s response was still under consideration.
This policy change usually occurs when the Pope issues an official document, such as an encyclical, rather than breaking out during the movie.
The question arises now when Francisco made those comments for the first time. The interview shown in the documentary is identical to the one he did in 2019. he gave to the Mexican station Televisa. However, when the interview was televised, it did not contain any papal comment on civil unions.