Vytautas Kasiulevičius: How is Covid-19 spread in society and the domestic environment?


The professor recalls that, unlike the SARS-CoV-1 virus, which spreads with greater intensity in the second week of the disease, pandemic Covid-19 infections spread with greater intensity before the onset of clinical symptoms and in the first days of the illness.

“It should be noted that high-risk contacts with asymptomatic people with Covid-19 account for at least 30 percent of all contacts. That is why various clubs, public food establishments, schools, workplaces, churches are becoming places of mass human infection.

In such hangouts, one person can infect multiple people, although superdistributors (when one person infects 10 or more people) are not that common. In closed communities (nursing homes, shelters, detention centers, prisons), the infection rate is also very high. Studies show that up to 60-80% of people in gated communities can become infected. population.

Investigating high-risk contacts is very important. A study conducted by Chinese researchers shows that 105 out of 1015 high-risk contacts of Covid-19 in the home environment were infected, that is, out of 10 high-risk contacts in a medical institution, 7 out of 679 high-risk contacts in an institution that is, 1%, 11 of 875 high-risk contacts in leisure facilities and workplaces 1.3 percent, and of 818, only 1 person or 0.1 percent was infected in public transport ” , assures V. Kassievievičius.

According to him, living in a house, and especially eating together, are becoming important risk factors for the spread of Covid-19 infection.

As already mentioned, the infection from one family to another spreads effectively.

Studies show that between 17 and 38 percent of Covid-19 risk contacts and between 46 and 66 percent of all secondary infections with this infection occur in the home environment. A study of 59,000 people in South Korea found that SARS-CoV-2 infections in the home environment were six times more common than during other Covid-19 contacts. Spouses are twice as likely to be infected as other adults living together. Studies show that children are less likely to be infected in the family than adults and are less likely to infect other family members, but children who attend school pose a risk to grandparents living with their grandchildren in the same home.

When formulating a strategy for the protection of people, it is necessary not only to reduce the total number of unnecessary contacts, but also to form separate groups of people, e.g. Eg in workplaces where there is no direct contact with other clusters or shifts, divisions, groups. It would also reduce the spread of the virus in society ”, says the professor.
