VST commander: 21 foreigners disappeared in the migrant camp in Rukla


“A total of 21 people have left Rukla to date until no one returns to the camp,” the official told TV3 News on Sunday.

He said it was not known exactly when the foreigners left the Refugee Reception Center.

According to R. Pocius, after the protest action that took place on Saturday, the residents of the camp were recalculated.

The VST commander considered that the campaign itself could have been organized to divert the attention of the security agents.

A protest against migrants dissatisfied with living conditions broke out at a refugee reception center in Rukla on Saturday night.

“It was just an ordinary, traditional night parade, dissatisfaction with living conditions. The protection was not activated, there was no disturbance, “VST commander R. Pocius told BNS on Sunday.

According to him, no coercive actions or special measures were taken against the migrants.

But the news portal delfi.lt discovered that the police used tear gas.

Rukla welcomes socially vulnerable migrants and their families. Now there are about 300 people there.

The Department of Social Security and Labor reported that a boy born in 2010 who lived at the center died in the hospital on Sunday morning.

The boy was paralyzed, with epilepsy and other diseases.

Authorities say the two events are unrelated.

This year, almost 4.2 migrants entered Lithuania illegally through the border with Belarus.
