Vilnius wants to abandon Belarusian salt for road maintenance: the government urges to lift the exemption from sanctions as a matter of urgency


Vilnius City Municipality Administration in 2019 carried out an international public procurement procedure, which resulted in the award of framework contracts for the resumption of tenders and the purchase of sodium chloride salts.

One of the suppliers, which almost always wins public tenders for the lowest price offered, is the joint-stock company Lit Salt Trade, which supplies salt for road spreading for the Belarusian state-owned company OAO Belaruskalij.

According to the provisions of the Public Procurement Law, the Vilnius City Municipality has no legal basis to reject the offer of the private limited company Lit Salt Trade. The contract with the supplier is valid until 2022. October.

It is estimated that at the end of the contract about 20 thousand more. tons of salt, the price of which would reach 1.6 million. euros.

“We call on the government to adopt national sanctions on all products of OAO Belaruskalij, a state-owned company of the Republic of Belarus, imported from Belarus as soon as possible, and no later than 2 weeks, based on the reasons and assumptions already established in EU Council Regulation 2021/1030, given that the current political situation is unacceptable to finance the illegal regime in Belarus.

It is likely that a similar problem is being solved by the largest buyer of road salt in the country, the company “Kelių draudimo”, and other municipalities, “said Vilnius City Deputy Mayor Tomás Gulbinas.

The municipal administration in 2021. August 12 submitted a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of State Security to assess whether the supply of products from a company linked to the Belarusian regime does not conflict with the national security of Lithuania.

At the end of August, the Department of Homeland Security reported that the matter was not within the jurisdiction of the Department, and the ministry clarified that the prohibitions did not apply to contracts concluded before 2021. June 25, 2006. In addition, these Penalties do not apply to sodium chloride products.
