To learn about the culture of the mansions, the peculiarities of the everyday life of the nobility, people often choose stories about the life of the palace, and when they come to see the surviving ensembles, they rarely leave the representative courtyard. However, the mansion was not just its owner’s house, a residence. It is a system that has had many components.
The estate was made up of forests, bodies of water, city or town land, peasant and manorial and noble lands. And everything was interconnected. So in order to better understand how the mansion worked, it is necessary to talk about these elements. This time about the farm building of the mansion – palivarka.
Part of the holding may have been close to or significantly distant from the representative area. For example, in the 18th century. typical of gardens, water ponds, palivarks away from the main patio.
In the 19th century, when cereals, animal meat and the production and export of cheeses became the main source of income, the palivarka naturally came closer to the farm. Usually the main courtyard of the mansion was surrounded by a road, an alley, and a main mansion was established behind it. A similar structure persisted until the 20th century. starting.
19th century The second half is a time of great challenge. Lithuanian mansions had to endure the abolition of slavery and soon post-insurgent repression. All this inevitably affected the estate of the mansion, and far from everyone they managed to adapt to the change of circumstances.
In this part of the “Manor Puzzle” video story you will learn more about what the mansion looked like, who lived in it, what processes took place there, and what the brewery produced.
The project is supported by the Lithuanian Council of Culture.