Veryga: quarantine will be offered for another 2 weeks


When asked if it was already possible to consider lifting the quarantine, the minister was reluctant to rush into these decisions.

“So far there are no plans to lift the quarantine, I think the government will consider a certain time on Wednesday.” But so far I can’t comment on anything. However, as I said before, you should not fear the word “quarantine”. We are seeing more and more activities being updated. “Quarantine allows you to control the infection, which is what you are doing now,” he said.

According to him, the term could be traditional: two weeks.

When asked when the requirements for wearing protective masks in public places could be lifted, Veryga was also in no rush to find concrete solutions.

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See risks in released quarantine

When asked if it was a concern that residents flocked to streets and outdoor cafes after the release from quarantine conditions, the Minister recalled that there would be no need to lose vigilance.

“Common sense would dictate that it wouldn’t be necessary to go out onto the streets en masse. Clearly, you must understand residents who are tired of sitting at home, so try to go somewhere, stay in public spaces. Looking at the big picture it raises some questions and we really see some risks. But we can only be glad that those randomized studies are negative from the data we have. However, I would like to urge the public not to relax, we can’t forget it. It really is not responsible when more than 2 people gather at the tables, who are not really relatives, no protective equipment is used, “he said.

According to the Minister, if he behaves irresponsibly, society itself may be condemned to return, because if the disease begins to spread again, stricter quarantine measures must be taken.

Criticism of the municipalities.

Commenting on the results of the random tests carried out over the long weekend, the minister did not hide the fact that some municipalities did not meet the requirements.

“A total of 9,000 people have been studied, 3,000 studies have been conducted and some of the studies are still in laboratories. No cases were identified. But I want to point out, some research has not yet been done.

The objective was to observe the population that arrived at the places of attraction at random, the people who received the codes had to go to the mobile points to be examined. It also had to be distributed to employees and pharmacists, ”said A. Veryga.

The Minister regretted that the established procedure was not followed everywhere.

“Unfortunately, these requirements were not met in several municipalities. The municipalities of Marijampolė and Telšiai decided to share elsewhere, thus violating the principle of where and what we wanted to investigate, – said A. Veryga.

According to him, this will make it difficult to compare data.

“The Vilnius municipality has generally established its own order and decided to use its own order, which was the most problematic. This is a cause for great concern when we are not going to follow the decisions of the operations manager, we will take action on it and I hope that those who violate the rules will be responsible, “he said.

In response to the latest statements by the SAM Minister, Vilnius Municipality, in turn, he submitted his comment.

“Code swapping was chosen virtually because sharing in massive locations would have created additional centers of gravity. There are many more people who want to explore Vilnius, and gathering so many people in a mall or market would have endangered their health. Also, hearing this message, people would go there all weekend. By distributing the codes remotely, we protected Vilnius residents from unnecessary risk, and those who didn’t want to or couldn’t leave the house had a choice.

Nor do we believe that the option of studying visitors to a single mall and market is justified, because we have many of those attractions in Vilnius. Therefore, the remote code exchange fully implemented the idea of ​​the population survey and ensured that random people were taken safely, and met the requirements of the quarantine introduced in the country, which not only discourages to the population, but also prohibits them. By the way, the order of the Minister himself did not specify the order that the codes be distributed only in printed form, “said Povilas Poderskis, Director of the Administration.

Only 9 new cases

May 4, National Center for Public Health. According to the data, the spread of coronavirus infection in Lithuania is small. Only 9 new cases were confirmed on Sunday.

The total number of confirmed cases in specific people is 1,419, currently 733 people are sick.

The number of deaths from COVID 19 is 46 and the number of recoveries is 638. There are currently 357 people in isolation.

Key information about coronavirus

Coronavirus is a virus with a new structure that has never caused human infections before. Its main symptoms are similar to those of the flu: fever, cough, shortness of breath and other respiratory problems. In more severe cases, coronaviruses cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, or death.

According to March 28. COVID infection is now described as follows: a person with an acute respiratory infection (sudden onset of at least one of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath) AND no other etiologic cause has been identified to explain these symptoms AND within 14 days for The onset of symptoms traveled or lived in areas where there is a local spread or co-spread of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection).


A person with symptoms of an acute respiratory infection AND has been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection). In addition to suspected cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus infection), laboratory tests are performed for these categories of subjects (this category of people is tested for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) in the laboratory and only after case confirmation and case management measures are reported). ):

1) A person with a severe acute respiratory infection (fever and at least one symptom of respiratory illness: cough, shortness of breath) AND requiring hospitalization AND no other etiologic cause has been identified to explain these symptoms.

2) Health professionals.

3) Other people who have symptoms of an acute respiratory infection. It is considered a probable case: a case for which the 2019-nCoV test is unclear or for which the test was positive after a pan-coronavirus evaluation. A confirmed case is a person with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection), regardless of the clinic and symptoms.

The SAM order stipulates that all persons returning to the country from abroad are subject to a 14-day quarantine.

In case the symptoms of the disease do not develop during the 14 day isolation period, the person is considered healthy and can return to normal life.

There is no specific treatment for the new coronavirus infection, only symptomatic treatment. Patients can be completely cured, depending on their condition and when treatment is started.

To avoid coronavirus, it is recommended to follow the general hygiene rules: wash your hands with soap and warm water, disinfect your hands, sneeze and label the cough, ventilate the facilities at least 2-3 times a day, clean the surfaces of use Frequent in the room every day (eg nightclubs). tables, bedsteads and other bedroom furniture).

People who work remotely from home and avoid social contact to avoid endangering their health are recommended to choose places to stay outdoors where it is possible to maintain a safe distance of approximately 2 meters (for example, private patio , forest, park, etc.).

Chaplinsk: most dangerous coronavirus for the elderly:
