Velička was successful, but Chalons-Reims suffered another failure in the French Championship / News


Photo: BNS

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The Chalons-Reims de Champagne-Reims (1-7), represented by Arno Velička, lost to the French championship.

Arnas Velička

Arnas Velička
Position: PG
Years: twenty-one
Height: 195 cm
Weight: 91 kilograms
Place of birth: Kaunas, Lithuania

Lithuanian team on the move 80:84 (19:20, 29:18, 18:16, 14:30) did not resist the basketball players of Dunkirk Gravelines (2-4).

With 1 victory and 7 defeats, the Velicka club is placed in the penultimate place: 17th place in the French championship.

Velička was one of the most productive basketball players at the Champagne Club. Lithuania scored 13 points (4/5 doubles, 0/3 trit., 5/9 penalties) in 25 minutes, made 6 assists, rebounded 3 and lost 2 balls, caused 7 fouls and scored 12 utility points.

After three more quarters, the guests led 66:54 and controlled the match, but tragically played the last quarter, which they lost at 14:30.

Gravelines: Erikas McCree 26 (8 atk. Kam.), Khalidas Boukichou 15 (7 atk. Kam.), Gavinas Ware’as 12, Corey Davisas 11 (6 rez. Losses).

Chalons-Reims: Dominique Archie 14, Arnas Velička (6 res., 7 wins) and Travis Leslie (3/5 trit.) After 13, Jalen Adams 10, Ekene Ibekwe 8. Why.).
