Two Lithuanian citizens have been arrested in Bulgaria on suspicion of industrial espionage


The trio allegedly worked at the Arsenal military plant in Kazanlak. This plant is on the list of strategic objects for the national security of Bulgaria and produces firearms and ammunition.

“These three people went on leave without pay and did not return to work. And at that time, the factory was missing confidential documents,” the Russian portal announced.

It is added that the Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior has stated that the documents contain information that is important to the company itself and of interest to Bulgarian or foreign competitors.

Representatives of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday evening 15 minutes He said he had no information about it, that he was currently trying to find out through the embassy.

On Tuesday, October 5, three people were arrested on the Bulgarian border with Greece. Police say they found documents in their cars “probably directly related” to what happened at the arms factory.

Vladimir Chertkov, a spokesman for the Russian embassy in Sofia, said TASS said the diplomatic mission had not received any official notification of the Russian citizen’s arrest.

In March, the Bulgarian Attorney General’s Office announced that a group of Russian intelligence agents was active in the country. Prime Minister Boyko Borisov called on Russia to “stop spying on Bulgaria.”

Bulgaria soon sent two Russian diplomats, while Moscow responded with the same.
