Two farmers from the Panevėžys district are accused of looting EU funds: 442 thousand will be explained. euros


According to the data of the pre-trial investigation, the administrator of the farm located in the Panevėžys district, who had all the powers to act on behalf of the farm, possibly fraudulently received funds from the general EU budget and the budget State of Lithuania for the modernization of cattle raising activities. euros.

The data collected by FNTT officials reveal that a significant part of the documents delivered to the authorities responsible for granting and controlling the support may have been falsified, reports the FNTT.

When the work started, the responsible manager provided documents supporting the execution of the construction works, but the reality turned out to be different: it is suspected that part of the work was not carried out at all, the other part was not carried out according to the project and estimate approved.

Another defendant, under whose direction the company was engaged in modernizing the farm, also drew the attention of FNTT officials.

It is suspected that the person hired and did not account for the work, fraudulently kept the accounts and contributed to the possible criminal activity of the farm administrator.

Charges were filed against both people, the property right to property was temporarily restricted for 442 thousand. euros.

The pre-trial investigation was conducted by the Prosecutor of the Second Prosecution Division of the Panevėžys Regional Prosecutor’s Office. After the prosecutor drafted the indictment, the case was transferred to court.

The most severe punishment for falsifying documents, when it caused significant damage, was imprisonment for up to six years. Selective aid obtained fraudulently, when it has caused significant material damage to an EU state or institution, is punishable by up to four years in prison. Four years in prison can also be imposed for fraudulent accounting.
