Trump gave grace to 26 other people, including his son-in-law’s father


Among other things, Trump pardoned Jared Kushner’s father, who pleaded guilty in 2004 to tax evasion and witness influence, to his 2016 campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and his adviser Roger Stone, according to the report by the White House.

This time, a total of 26 people were pardoned by the president and three more were commuted.

The day before, Trump had pardoned 15 people and commuted five more.

Among those charged with full clemency on Tuesday are two people involved in an investigation into the alleged Trump campaign and Russia’s involvement, a corrupt former Republican congressman and four employees of a private security company, Blackwater, convicted of killing 14 Iraqis in 2007 in Baghdad.

Iraqis have expressed outrage and sadness that Trump has pardoned four Blackwater contractors who were convicted of murder six years ago.

On September 16, 2007, Blackwater guards began firing at a busy Baghdad square, killing at least 14 civilians and wounding dozens more. Iraqi officials, for their part, speak of 17 victims. The incident enraged Iraqis and sparked tensions between the United States and Iraq.

“Rotten to the core”

Trump’s decision to pardon Manafort, which was at the center of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into allegations of Russian election interference four years ago, sparked anger at the White House host’s attempt to “erase.” research, which he always called “witchcraft”. hunting ‘.

Adam Schiff, a Democrat who heads the House Intelligence Committee, said on Twitter: “During the Mueller investigation, Trump’s attorney hinted at clemency for Manafort. Manafort refused to cooperate with prosecutors, lied, was convicted, and later praised by Trump for not being a “whistleblower.” A short pardon now ends the corruption scheme. “

Manafort himself wrote on Twitter: “You really made America great again.” God bless you and your family. I wish you a Merry Christmas and many good wishes for the coming year. “

David Axelrod, a political commentator and former adviser to President Barack Obama, said of Trump’s decision that “everyone has seen a wave of pleasant and punitive relief coming for the” apparatus and the president’s loyalists … But the show remains terrible. “

Republican Senator Ben Sasse, who has publicly criticized Trump, said: “He’s rotten to the core. [reikalas]. “

More pleasures are welcome

Trump is believed to be considering granting more favors until January 20, when his term ends.

Trump, who has been the subject of much investigation into tax matters, alleged violations of campaign finance rules and alleged sexual violence, has said he could forgive himself, but this approach does not appear to have a solid legal basis.

The president is also coming under pressure from libertarian and civil rights groups calling for clemency for three people involved in the leak of national security information. These include WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden, and another former NSA employee, Reality Winner.

Additionally, former US soldier Robert Bales, convicted of the murder of 16 Afghan nationals in 2012, and Joseph Maldonado-Passage, made famous by his appearance in the Netflix documentary series, are known to be among the petitioners. King Tiger.
