Tired of bloating? These products are worth giving up


And while lactose, the sugar in milk, is found not only in plain milk or dairy products, but also in various baked goods or sauces, according to Vilma Juodkazienė, food expert at retail chain Iki, today it is you can find a great offer of lactose-free products.

“For lactose intolerant people, even small amounts of lactose-containing products can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, such as indigestion, nausea, acne, or even headaches. It’s worth experimenting and switching from regular to lactose-free products. This way, you will know how your body reacts to every change in diet, even a small change, and you will choose which products are the best for you, ”says V. Juodkazienė.

You can find many lactose-free products for a complete diet. But keep in mind that they are of two types. Some are naturally lactose free, such as soy yogurt or almond or oatmeal drinks. The second type of product is lactose-free, even this is degradable in the production process. These products are labeled lactose-free, like lactose-free milk or cheese.

Of course, these products are especially important for lactose intolerant people, but those who can consume lactose products also choose plant drinks or other lactose-free products as a healthier alternative.

“Food trends show that people tend to pay more attention to a healthier diet, to read the composition of products and prefer options with less added sugar or lactose-free. Residents tend to try lactose-free products, which helps to discover new flavors. For example, not to add milk to coffee, but to choose an almond or oatmeal drink ”, says the food expert.

According to V. Juodkazienė, a healthier and more balanced diet without lactose does not mean that you will have to eat very simple or cheap foods. Not only can you find lactose-free products on store shelves, but a variety of desserts, tartlets, and even cakes are lactose-free, with little or no added sugar.

Benefits of lactose-free products

In adults, giving up lactose often makes the work of the digestive tract easier. Dairy products are very low in fiber, and it is these substances that contribute significantly to smooth digestion. Bloating, diarrhea, or nausea can be a nuisance with high milk intake. The loss of lactose can also improve the condition of the skin, often related to the work of the intestine.

For a healthier and more balanced diet, it is beneficial to include more fruits, vegetables, other plant-based cereal products in your daily diet and thus diversify your diet. A balanced diet is not only a source of strength, but also a source of well-being.

True, if you decide to completely abandon dairy products, do not forget to supplement your diet with calcium-rich products, such as kale, broccoli, nuts and seeds, oranges, plant-based drinks, various beans.

“Whatever decision you make regarding the use of lactose, the most important thing is that you choose fresh products and as diverse as possible to eat every day and stay healthy,” emphasizes V. Juodkazienė in the press release.
