“According to the decision of the Council of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania, the tradition of the shadow government, which reflects the principles of democracy and guarantees the democracy of the political processes in the state, has been reinitiated in Lithuania. Your institute provides an opportunity for the opposition to not only constructively provide competent support to the government, but also alternative proposals that, according to public research, often have the support of a large part of the public, ”the letter says.
A. Veryga points out that LVŽS is not opposed by opposition, but in search of a constructive dialogue. In addition, the politician expresses with concern the attitude expressed by the Prime Minister towards the shadow Cabinet announced at the initiative of the “peasants”.
That is why today, in difficult times for all Lithuanians, we address you with anxiety, seeing in the public space that everything that is done in the shadow government is negative and humiliating and seems irrelevant and not worthy of you or of his ministers. ‘ attention. In his opinion, neither the Law on Public Administration nor the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of the norms for the examination of applications and complaints and the service of people in public administration entities are valid ”, says A. Veryga. , who has been called the shadow deputy prime minister.
“This attitude, which demonstrates its strong selectivity, in our opinion, sets the state back four decades and denies its publicly stated goal: democracy. Therefore, we ask that you change your attitude and rhetoric towards the shadow government, respecting to the state and all the people, their political beliefs, the rules of conduct in society according to the attitude of their people towards good and evil, justice, duty, honor, people’s aspirations and expectations. “- writes A. Veryga in the letter.
ELTA recalls that R. Karbauskis has received a lot of criticism from the Government last week. The leader of the “Peasants” issued an ultimatum to the rulers, which refers to the interpellation of I. Šimonyte, and affirmed that the Cabinet of Ministers is ignoring the government in the shadow of the LVŽS.
According to the “peasants”, the Seimas ombudsman, who investigates cases of bureaucracy when it unreasonably refuses to address issues that fall within the competence of an official, will be informed in writing that the Government of I. Šimonytė has ignored the official correspondence and the situation that has arisen. . The Campesinos affirm that the Government responded to only one of the 12 documents presented, to which the Ministry of the Environment prepared a response.
For his part, I. Šimonytė affirms that the “peasants” claim exclusive rights over the structure they have created, but, according to her, this format of the shadow Cabinet of Ministers does not comply with either the Constitution or the Statute of the Seimas. Therefore, the Prime Minister confirms that LVŽS will not continue to attach exceptional importance to the shadow government.
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