There will be a shopping center on M. Riomerio street again


“Maybe a week ago I noticed workers near the old shopping center on M. Riomerio street. They ran the store building. I have no doubt that another store will open in this location. It was strange that they had to wait almost half a year.

The store should start operating in early April.

I can still shop in supermarkets outside the home, but I know old people on this street who were comforted by having a hard time doing so. People of respectable age hoped that the store near their house would revive again and they would be able to buy the most necessary food products, “said a woman from M.Riomerio street to the portal.

On Tuesday, a photographer and I visited the building. At that time, six workers were working on it. They did a variety of shop finishing jobs.

An interviewed employee confirmed that another retail chain would soon be located on the site of the former mall (the name is known to the editorial board: Aut. Past.).

“We are working for the fourth week. There will definitely be a supermarket in this building. The store should start operating in early April,” the man said.
