Eight infected people died from other causes.
Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 53,000 people in the country. 757 people, 40 thousand. 459 – still sick, 12 thousand. 655 – recovered.
A total of 449 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 194 people from other causes.
During the last day, 11 thousand. 312 samples for suspected coronavirus, the total number of samples analyzed since the beginning of the pandemic is 1 million. 211 thousand 62.
Key indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic for the last day:
Number of new human cases confirmed in the last day: 2,104
Total number of confirmed cases in specific individuals: 53,757
Number of deaths from coronavirus the day before: 17
Total number of deaths from coronavirus: 449
Number of people infected with coronavirus who died from other causes: 194
Number of people who recovered: 12655
Number of people with coronavirus: 40,459
Yesterday samples were analyzed for suspected coronavirus: 11312
To date, a total of samples have been analyzed for suspected coronavirus: 1211062
1704 COVID-19 patients are treated in hospitals, 121 of them in resuscitation
Hospitals are treating 1,704 COVID-19 patients, 121 of them in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania said Thursday.
916 patients need oxygen, 75 people receive artificial lung ventilation.
Currently, approximately more than half of the hospital beds are occupied 9,027 of the 16,000. 788.
Of the 665 resuscitation beds, just over half were occupied, 382. Of the 618 beds that can be used for artificial lung ventilation, 229 are occupied, of the 6323 beds with oxygen are occupied by 2,161.
Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 53,000 people in the country. 757 people, 40 thousand. 459 – still sick, 12 thousand. 655 – recovered.
A total of 449 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 194 from other causes.
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