The biggest case of speeding last week was recorded on Tuesday, January 12. Around 12.35 pm The mobile speedometer in the Kaišiadorys district, May village, registered a Volvo car, which was set at 50 km / h instead of 119 km / h.
A protocol with an administrative instruction is automatically generated and sent to the driver.
Photo by Kaunas LSC / A moment of the raid
Saturday 16th January. At around 7.30pm, another record was recorded last week: this time a drunken cyclist was caught with the highest degree of intoxication for the entire week.
A cyclist arrested in Vandžiogala blew 2.05 per thousand.
In Kaunas district, Vandžiogala, Kauno str., A drunk man (born 1973) was driving a bicycle, his average drunkenness was set at 2.05%.
In accordance with Article 428 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter the ANC of the Republic of Lithuania). On the 8th, for driving a bicycle while intoxicated for more than 1.5 prom., There is a fine of 150 to 200 euros.
Photo by Kaunas LSC / A moment of the raid
During the weekend, from January 15 to 17, in the city and district of Kaunas, as well as in the districts of Jonava and Kėdainiai, an additional police measure was carried out at different times for drunk drivers, intoxicated on narcotics, psychotropic or other psychoactive substances, use of seat belts, pedestrian control and other infractions of law and order. A total of 340 drivers underwent field sobriety tests during this period, all of whom were sober.
During the inspections, 27 people were caught in violation of the quarantine rules in accordance with Article 45 of the ANC of the Republic of Lithuania. On day 4, when the car was driven by more than 2 people from different households, 1 case was registered, when in violation of the quarantine rules, one went to another municipality.
Officials also identified 2 drivers who had no right to drive, administrative protocols were drawn up for both drivers in accordance with article 424 of the ANC of the Republic of Lithuania. 2 d. For this, drivers face fines of 300 to 450 euros. Other isolated violations of the Traffic Rules were recorded when driving an unregistered vehicle without license plates, without using the low beams, using a mobile phone while driving, the vehicle was not marked with a maple leaf or belt security was not used. There were no violations of public order.
Photo by Kaunas LSC / A moment of the raid
Last week, several violations of other traffic rules were clarified, including 6 drunk drivers and 2 cyclists, 13 drivers who had no right to drive. There were 53 cases of using a mobile phone while driving.
In Kaunas County this year 0 traffic participants died (last year until the end of January – 2), 14 injured (last year – 68). Officials urge all road users to follow traffic rules, to be disciplined on the road and to desire a safe road.