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For the avid reader, their eyes caught the content of the sign on the road sign. It shows the name of the store and how much to pay for parking.
After inquiring, it was clear that the name of the shopping center could not be indicated on the road signs in such cases, at least in this way, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MoU) explained to the reader.
The response of the Memorandum of Understanding emphasizes that the Ministry cannot interpret laws and other legal acts, therefore the opinion provided in the letter on the provisions of the legal acts cannot be considered as a formal interpretation of the legal acts.
However, the problem seems clear and exists. Excerpt from road traffic regulations:
‘As established in paragraph 13 of Annex 1 of the Road Traffic Regulations (KET),’ it is prohibited to place on the traffic sign, its support or any other traffic control device anything that is not related to the purpose of that traffic sign or device. It is forbidden to indicate on the road signs information related to the economic, commercial, financial or professional activity of a person that promotes the purchase of goods or services (for example, company name, trademark, type of services provided, address, telephone number , etc.) ‘.
In light of the above, the Memorandum of Understanding maintains that a fixed sign cannot be placed on a traffic sign and on its support.
The representative of UniPark, who is responsible for the administration of the site, then stated that everything was installed clearly and in accordance with all the requirements.

Lukas April / 15min photo / Parking at the “Lidl” store
Responsible municipality?
The same document establishes that municipalities are responsible for the maintenance of local roads and streets, the design of transport infrastructure facilities, the construction and provision of safe traffic conditions, and the organization of traffic in cities.
“The owner of the road (administrator) must” ensure that the road is suitable for vehicular and pedestrian traffic and that it complies with legal requirements “and” organize traffic and ensure the maintenance of the road, its structures of engineering and traffic management technical team so that it complies with road maintenance standards “legal requirements”.
We ask the Municipality of Vilnius City to ensure, in accordance with its competence, that unregulated KET signs are not used on the roads in conjunction with traffic signs ”, the appeal to the Municipality of Vilnius is written.
The Vilnius City Municipality responded that it does not install or maintain traffic signs or other technical traffic regulation measures on access roads, sites that fall on private plots, nor does it establish traffic and vehicle parking procedures. And it provided the same extract from KET.
To maintain the site in Unipark: the name complements the sign
Eglė Šimkevičienė, the CEO of UniPark, who runs this site, doesn’t see the problem. It states that the name of the supermarket in question is not prohibited, it only complements the road sign.
In evaluating the point you mentioned, it should be noted that the KET point in question prohibits placing on a road sign anything that is not related to the purpose of the road sign, which means that reading that point literally means that everything anything not related to the traffic sign is prohibited. What complements road signs and does not encourage the purchase of goods or services is allowed.
In a specific case (LIDL store traffic sign), the driver is given information on how to behave in the store area, that is, to the traffic sign that it is a toll zone, accompanied by a sign informative related to the traffic sign to explain / inform the driver that in order to get free time, the driver needs to go to the store in the parking lot and enter the car registration number.
The sign associated with the sign is intended to inform the driver about additional procedures in the parking lot, as well as which visitors to the shopping center this parking lot is intended for. It does not use the company logo or other contact information that is not related to the KET brand, ”explained E.Šimkevičienė about the situation.