The students of R. Kurtinaitis, who were behind all the games, broke the team of A. Gudaitis


The victory in the Euroleague was achieved by the Chimki team (2/6) from the Moscow region, trained by Rimas Kurtinaitis, who 88:83 (19:27, 25:20, 19:20, 25:16) broke the Zenit Saint Petersburg team (3/2) represented by Artūras Gudaitis.

The start of the “Chimki” match did not promise anything good, as the hosts quickly rushed forward – 13: 5 after playing in the fourth quarter. Although the guests were closer (19:22), Zenit finished the fourth better – 27:19 In the second quarter, R. Kurtinaitis’ students started better and reduced lag – 27:29. The St. Petersburg team took the 12: 3 lead and gained a double-digit lead for the first time (45:34), but it didn’t last long as Chimki finished the first half of the match 10: 2 and entered the dressing room long best mood – 44:47.

After the big jump, the Moscow club took the initiative and even went ahead – 55:52. It is true that it did not last long, as Zenit accelerated 11: 2 and returned to weigh the scale at his side: 63:57. A similar difference remained after playing three quarters: 67:63.

In the last quarter, 2 minutes later, the hosts were delayed again – 75:68. Chimki managed to lie down this time – 77:79. With 70 seconds to go, Alexei Swed hit a triple and after a long break led his team forward – 82:81. Chimki returned to defend and Errick McCollum threw fines (85:81) with 32 seconds to go, to which Billy Baron responded at the same time – 83:85. McCollum, who was stopped for a forced foul, hit again (87:83) and Zenit no longer believed anything.

A.Gudaitis scored 10 points (4/8 colonies, 2/3 free throws) in 21 minutes, caught 9 balls, made 2 assists, provoked 4 fouls, blocked the shot, made 2 errors, made 2 blocks, used the limit of personal fouls and obtained 12 utility points.

“Zenit”: Billy Baron 24 (6/10 3s), Austin Hollins 15 (3/4 3s), Artūras Gudaitis 10 (9 rebounds), KCRivers 9 (1/5 3s, 6 rebounds)

“Chimki”: Alexei Swede 24 (4/9 triples), Errick McCollum 19, Greg Monroe 11 (ninth rep), Janis Timma (2/7 triples) and Dairis Bertanis (2/2 triples) 8 each.

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